I'm his girlfriend

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We entered the hotel room ,hand in hand. We turned the tiny corner to see the rest of the band staring at us. “Jimmy has a girlfriend! And she is younger than him!” Robert jokingly sang at us. “Robert wears a wig!” I joke back, making everyone, even Robert laugh. I plopped down on the bed, exhausted from my day with with Jimmy. without having any control of it, I closed my eyes and slept. But I could hear everything. “Geeze Jimmy! What are you going to do with her?” John Bonham said. “Bonzo, don’t worry about it. I love her, and she loves me.” Jimmy replied. “Is she useful for anything? We have a concert in a week Jimmy!” Robert exclaimed. “ She’s a good girlfriend, and I can teach her guitar. She can play with us.” “Well , wake her up then! It’s six! We better take her to dinner to get to know her better.” Jonesey said. Jimmy walked over to the bed and shook my shoulder. I blinked my eyes open. “So, where are we going?” I say with a laugh. I stood up and stretched my back. My chest was sticking out, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Robert give Jimmy a jealous look.


“Well, since you’re Jimmy’s girlfriend Meredith..” Robert said. “Wait..I’m Jimmy Page’s girlfriend?” I said in shock. “Well yeah, why else would he teleport you here and hug you and kiss you and you know.. whatever else.” Robert said. Jimmy was blushing now. “ I would never do anything crazy Percy. I just met her! I wouldn’t get intense too early.” Jimmy said. “Well, yeah since you are my girl. Tell me and the band here about yourself.” Everybody was now staring at me. “Well.. I’m supposed to be 13, but now I’m 18….but you know, I go to Fredonia Middle School, I do lots of sports. Hockey, Horseback Riding is my best, basketball, cross country, track, swimming.” I paused to think about what they might ask me next. “What do you do in your spare time?” Jonesey said to me. “Well. I usually have to do chores, but I like to draw..” I paused. “ And play my guitar.” That part came out really fast. “You play guitar?!” The whole band said at once. “Uhhh. Yeah. Is that a problem?” I was feeling quite nervous. “Absolutely not. What do you know?” Jimmy said with curiosity.”I had my guitar since Christmas, so it’s been a little over a month. And I’ve never played guitar before. But I know, like 40 Led Zeppelin songs.” And when I finished, our food came out. And we all dug in.

We were all walking back to hotel. Percy, Jonesey, and Bonzo were in the front leading the way. Jimmy and I were in the back holding hands. “You could’ve told me you played guitar.” “Well, I can play really good alone.. It’s when people watch me is when I become a nervous wreck. And besides. You’re Jimmy Page, you’re like the best guitarist in the world.” I paused. “And you’re the best boyfriend a girl can ask for.” And with that I kissed him on the cheek, and the three band members joined in “OOohs” together. Jimmy and I just rolled our eyes and laughed.

When we got back to the hotel, it was ten. Everybody was getting into their pajamas. I looked through the chest of clothes that Jimmy gave to me to find a silk, night gown. I went into the bathroom. I had the gown half way on my body when the door was opened. I spun around quickly. I just had my bottom half of me covered. I was just standing in my bra. “Jimmy, have you ever heard of knocking?” I was a little startled, but in the end like always, I laughed. He wouldn’t close the door. I put the rest of the gown on, brushed my teeth, and walked over to Jimmy. He was just staring at me. “What? Did I do something wrong?” I ask in wonder. “I knew that your face was beautiful, but you never told me you had a nice body.” Jimmy said, making me blush intensely. I gave him a little “flirt” punch on the arm, and went over to the bed. I fumbled with the covers and comforters for a second. But I got all snuggled in under a minute. The lights turned off, Percy, Bonzo, and Jonesey were all sleeping. Jimmy wasn’t. I sat up on my elbows looking for him. I felt tapping on my bare shoulder. “Hey, I’m right here.” Jimmy whispered to me. “ Don’t scare me like that.” I whispered back. Then I laid back down. “Why did I scare you?” “I don’t know what I would do if I lost you Jimmurs.” I whispered, and then leaned closer to him.

He wrapped his hands around me and pulled me closer to him, I was now resting my head on his chest. “I’ve never felt this safe with a guy Jimmy.” I say closing my eyes. He let out a little,quiet laugh, and kisses me on the forehead. “Goodnight Jimmy...you know I love you.” “Same here about you.” I kissed him on his cheek and the room was silent. “Ooohh!” “ROBERT!” Jimmy yelled. He smiled at me, and again, I let out a small laugh.

It was about seven when I smelt bacon. I sat up, rubbed my eyes to see Jimmy at the end of my feet”Morning Jimmy.” I said sleepily. “Morning sleepy beauty.” I got up out of the bed and shuffled my way over to the clothes chest. I looked through it. I pulled out some blue jeans, a black Led Zeppelin shirt, and and identical leather jacket to Jimmy’s. I walked over to the bathroom and knocked. “I’ll be right there!” Robert said. Jimmy walked over to me and whispered in my ear. “He’s curling his hair.” I giggled. “No I am not Pagey!” Robert yelled, which was echoing on the bathroom. He opened the door and poked out his head. “ I was just brushing my teeth.” “Ok, can I go change now please?” I said with a smile at the end. “There you go, your royal highness.” Robert said with a laugh at the end. “Thanks, your majesty.” I said back with a curtsey. I walked in and closed the door.

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