Love is never too young

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We pulled into our hotel. It was in the middle of London. We unloaded all of our luggage, and walked to get something to eat. We were all waiting at a bus stop. I looked up to see a person walking across. I was just so exhausted from the ride, and flight, I just closed my eyes. They shot open when there was a hand on my back. I looked up, to see Jimmy. I let out a gasp. “Jimmy!” I gave him a gigantic hug and he did the same. “Who are you? And why are you touching my daughter?” my mother was furious. “Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I’m Jimmy Page.” He said shaking their hands. “How do you know Meredith?” My father asked. Me and Jimmy looked at each other. “Let’s just say we have past histories together.” I looked at Jimmy’s neck. There was a guitar pick. I was a little confused at first, but then I got it. I thought to myself. “He’s still Jimmy, even if he is older. So he still remembers everything. He still has his young mind.” “Well, we were just about to go to dinner, would you like to join us?” My dad said. “I would love to! But would you like to come to my house for dinner instead? It will be all of us, and I can visit with my friend.”   

We proceeded the night with Jimmy. I walked over to him and said “Happy birthday Jimmy.” “Thanks for actually remembering. Nobody really remembers my birthday.” He said shrugging. “Well. do you still remember the times with me?” I said. “Why wouldn’t I?” He said laughing.”Happy birthday Jimmurs.”


I looked out the window of the plane to see Jimmy waving to me from the ground. I waved back to him, and tears left my eyes. I got up, and sat in the back of the plane with four empty seats. I fell asleep, until I heard a “Squee!” “What the heck?!” I looked over. “I should've known. Robert and Bonzo would have the noisemakers.” I looked over, And Jonesey had a party hat on. I looked to my left to see Jimmy sleeping. I kissed him on his cheek, and slept on his shoulder. I faintly heard footsteps. Then a gasp. Then someone was shaking my shoulder. “Meredith get up.” It was my mom. I shook my head, and buried my face in Jimmy’s hair. Robert looked up at my mom. “Let the lovers be.” He said with a smile. “They love each other like crazy. I should know, I spent a couple days with her, and she played guitar in our concert!” My mom was in shock. Jimmy opened his eyes and looked down at me. He smiled and kissed my head. He looked over at the band, and then he saw my mom.

“Oh, hi. You must be Meredith’s mom. I-” Jimmy was cut off by Bonzo. “He’s Meredith’s girlfriend.” My mom’s jaw dropped, and she walked away. She came back with my dad. My dad was amazed. “No way! It’s Led Zeppelin! And Meredith, with Jimmy Page?” My dad was then confused. By then I woke up, and I was startled. “Hey mom and dad...this is Jimmy, umm. My boyfriend.” I said wearily. When I looked over at Jimmy we both smiled at each other, and joined hands. My parents just smiled. “So, how did you guys get together?” My dad asked. “Well, there is a saying dad.” “Love is never too young.” Me and Jimmy said at once. And then, we kissed.

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