Hand in hand

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After Robert came out of the bathroom, John Paul Jones went in. I looked at Jimmy and he looked at me. He stood up grabbed my hand and led me to the door.” Oh wait, I don’t have shoes.My boots are in the bathroom, and God only knows what chinese does to Jonesey.” I said embarrassed looking at my bare feet. “ You never come prepared, do I always have to be your slave?” he said sarcastically with a laugh at the end. I smiled at him, and he pulled out black ballet flats. They fit perfectly. They looked just like the ones at my house. “Oh my God!” I said in shock. “What about my family! I’m in the past!” I started to panic and a tear escaped my eye. “Meredith, when you time travel, your time is paused, so you’re still in the stall.” Jimmy said calmly. “Oh thank God.” I said with a relief.  He grabbed my jacket, and I grabbed his leather jacket, and we exchanged jackets. But we joined hands, and walked out the hotel room. Alone, but together.

    We walked down the hallway, and past the body guards, and into the elevator. We were on the 20th floor, so it was going to take a while. Jimmy let go of my hand to push the lobby button. I looked down at my chest, my necklace was all twisted, so I unhooked it and tried to re hook it back when I fixed it. Jimmy saw me fumble. He grabbed my necklace and carefully hooked it in the back. Then he turned me around. He touched my chest to see the necklace, and an ocean of goosebumps went all over my body. “The moon and star. I like it! Where did you get it?” Jimmy said to me, staring deeply into my eyes. “Back home, I had this friend named Esel, me and her were practically sisters, and these other girls that sat at my table, bullied her really bad.” by then my eyes were filling with tears. “ She moved to Georgia, and she sent me this necklace. Our friendship represents the moon and that stars. We are far apart but our friendship is still close.” By then we were on the eighteenth floor. Jimmy slowly pushed me back in the corner of the elevator. He sat down and pulled me down on him. I was now sitting on his lap, I smiled and buried my head in his hair and kissed his cheek. “I’ve never felt this loved before.” He said while rubbing his hand around my back. “ Same here, I don’t think I’ve loved someone this much. You know besides my family.” I replied. He gently grabbed my shoulders and pulled me closer to him. He started to kiss my neck. I didn’t know what to do. So I sat up and started to stroke his hair. He had the sweetest smile and his eyes were as sweet and a flower’s nectar. He grabbed my hips, and I wrapped my arms around his back. I leaned forward and kissed him, I felt his hands squeeze my hips tighter. I pulled back, and he was about to say something, but he was interrupted when the elevator door slammed open.

Everybody in the lobby was staring at us, and fan girls were sprinting at us. “Oh crap.” I said under my breath. I sprang up, and grabbed his hand, and ran. We pushed through herds of photographers, and fans. He ran in front of me to get to the door quicker. “Sorry.” he said panting “Fangirls were going to tear me apart.” “It’s fine, I get it.” I said with a wink. We walked down the snowy sidewalk down New York, Jimmy swung his arm around my hip and I did the same to him. He looked down at me, and I looked back up at him. “Hey, I know someplace really fun!” I said with excitement. “Where?” “Rockefeller Center , there is an ice rink there.” I grabbed his hand and proceeded in a light jog. When we got there, there was nobody on the rink. “Don’t we need ice skates?” He said with a puzzling look on his face. “Nope!” after I said this, I pulled him onto the ice, we both stumbled at first, but then we got the hang of it.

“Jimmy?” “Yes?”he said. “How long can I stay here, you know in this lifetime?” I sounded a little sad when I said it. I never wanted to leave. “ You can stay here as long as you want, you can also go back home. But if you ever need some Jimmy love, take out the guitar pick and wish.” When he finished he kissed me on the cheek. “ I always want Jimmy love though!” I said with some giggles at the end, and he laughed too.

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