The big moment

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We walked back onto the stage, I was backup guitar. Jimmy started, and the rest of us chimed in. Jimmy was doing some sort of dance.I was really getting into the music, and before I knew it, I was too. I was bobbing my head and my feet were dancing around with Jimmy. We looked at each other and laughed. The song bled into “The Rain Song” I closed my eyes and strummed. This was one of the first songs I learned how to play. I opened my eyes, I was the only one playing. The crowd went nuts. I smiled and looked over at Jonesey. He gave me a thumbs up, and I smiled. “It is the spring time of my loving, the second season, I’m to know. You are the sunlight in my growing .so little warmth I've felt before.It isn't hard to feel me glowing . I watched the fire that grew so low.It is the summer of my smile,flee from me Keepers of the Gloom.Speak to me only with your eyes. It is to you I give this tune.” There was a keyboard and guitar solo. I closed my eyes and flipped my bangs out of my eyes. The song was truly beautiful. Jimmy started to join with me and Jonesey. At the end of the song, it was a guitar part. I finished the song. When I strummed the last note, a tear escaped my eye. Jimmy walked over to me and kissed me on the cheek.“Meredith P: Electric guitar!” Robert said into the mic. The arena flooded with applause, and noise.

    The next song was “Dazed and Confused” It was Jimmy’s signature song. I gave him back his Les Paul. “ Good Luck.” I went backstage and grabbed a Telecaster guitar and plugged in. “ I’ll be background ok? I won’t play during your solo though.This is your big moment, and I know it’s gonna be awesome.” I said to him. “You’re also going to help Percy sing! Go up to the other mic!” Jimmy said to me, nudging me closer. The floor shook as Jonesey’s bass played the opening notes. Then Jimmy and I rang out in high pitched notes. I walked up to the mic. “I’ve been dazed and confused, for so long it’s not true. Wanted a woman, never bargained for you. Lots of people talkin’. But a few of them know, soul of a woman was create below!” I was feeling  the soul of everything, me and Jimmy roared with our guitars. It was later on in the song, just before his solo. They threw in parts of a song that they would be releasing in a couple years on their album. “If you’re going to San Francisco. Be sure to wear, some flowers in your hair. If you’re going to San Francisco, you’re gonna meet. A lot of different people there. Oh! Everywhere, everywhere.” Me and Robert then stepped to the side stage, so the spotlight was Jimmy. There was a second silence, then Jimmy started to play his guitar with a violin bow. Myself and the crowd went nuts.

    His guitar was screaming, yet sounding beautiful. It was about a ten minute bow solo. Then the rest of the band chimed in. It was frantic with energy. I was full of it. The guitars and drums bashed at the same time, and I jumped in the air with Jimmy. We both laughed, the whole atmosphere of the concert was amazing.  Everybody was having the time of their lives. We were all smiling, and dancing. And before I knew it, “Dazed and confused” and “Stairway to Heaven” were all ready done. The band made me sit out “Moby Dick”and “Heartbreaker” because I was lightheaded. I went downstairs and got something to drink. I went into the bathroom, and splashed cold water all over my face. It felt amazing. the stage manager told me to go and grab a guitar quickly. Bonzo’s drums kept a strong beat. I got on the stage just in time. Jimmy and I started to play “Whole Lotta Love.” It was at the part of the song where Jimmy used a Theremin. He moved his hand at the beat he wanted to, and made this crazy noise. It was like a screeching noise. It sounded awesome. He walked away from the Theremin and there was an echo of the thunders in the arena.

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