Chapter Fourteen

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Amara's POV

I can't say that I really remember what happened. The last thing I could recall was yelling out to Alec as a swirling grey cloud of death reached out to him. The next thing I know, I'm staring at the ceiling of Magnus' glittering abode. 

Izzy was very attentive, making sure that I was feeling alright, getting me water and helping me to my feet, but Alec had made a very swift getaway. 

I didn't blame him though, he would've been feeling guilty, but if I could turn back time, despite nearly dying, I would do exactly the same thing. I wasn't even thinking, acting on pure instinct and adrenaline. 

In the brief time that I've known the Lightwoods, they've come to mean a lot. It wasn't just because they were important that their name held weight but also because of their inherently good hearts. 

They were helping Clary, albeit tentatively, in her quest to find her mother. They helped rescue Simon and I when they didn't have to, and they've shown us nothing but kindness since arriving. 

Obviously, Alec wasn't a fan of Clary; that much had been made abundantly clear, but regardless of his feelings, he hasn't turned his back on any of us, and that was something I wouldn't forget. 

But now that I was feeling better, I had to get home. I could tell that Simon was still shaken up, and I didn't want to be away from him. So, with a grunt, I pulled myself up off Magnus' very comfortable couch and slipped my converses onto my feet. 

"And where do you think you're going, missy?" The airy voice of Isabelle Lightwood called out to me as I quietly made my way towards the door. I didn't want to make a fuss, and I knew that Izzy didn't believe me when I said I was fine. 

"Sorry, dollface, time for me to fly the coop," I replied, looking over my shoulder with a smile only to find the gorgeous woman standing a few feet behind me with her hands on her hips, eyebrows raised scoldingly. 

"You should come back to the institute with me. I just want to run a couple of tests." Izzy tried to persuade, but I was already shaking my head. 

"I need to get home and check of Simon, he's struggling, and I don't want to leave him alone to stew in his thoughts," I explained and while Izzy pouted in displeasure, she didn't stop me from walking through the heavy wooden doors. 

"Bye, Magnus! I'm not thankful that you abducted me, but I am thankful for the couch!" I called out, pausing a moment for the witty reply that I'm sure would follow. 

"Bye, for now, Possum! If I find out you ruined the couch with pizza grease, I'll be very unhappy!" With a chuckle and a shake of my head, I made my way down the hallways, hoping that finding my way out wouldn't be a nightmare. 

It wasn't long before I heard the familiar clicking of heels behind me, and soon, Izzy's toned, tanned arm was hooked around my fair one. 

"And what can I do for you, Madame?" I questioned jokingly, looking towards her with a lazy grin. The lightwood girl would always be welcomed company. 

"Now, what kind of date would I be if I didn't walk the lady home?" She responded with a smirk plastered upon those ruby red lips, lips that matched the gem hanging elegantly from her neck. 

"Be still my beating heart, such a gentleman." I joked, and Izzy let out a very unladylike snort, followed by a look of horror, realizing the noise had come from her, which had me throwing my head back in laughter. 

"Can't believe I just did that... I'm blaming you." Izzy sniffed indignantly, turning her nose up into the air dramatically. 

"Hey, don't go blaming me for your bushpig noises." I retorted with laughter still trickling from my lips and was rewarded with an offended gasp from Izzy, and she looked towards me with wide eyes. 

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