Chapter Ten

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Alec's POV

"Amara!" I yelled out, rushing forward only to get yanked back by Jace just as the portal vanished, taking Amara along with it. 

"Why the hell did you do that?" I snarled at Jace, my heart in my throat, as Amara's terrified face appeared in my mind. The way she called out to me, the emotions swirling around in those piercing eyes as she had reached out, it was playing on a loop in my mind. 

"You know as well as I how dangerous it would be to go through a portal like that; who knows where you could've ended up," Jace explained, but my glare didn't soften. It was his fault, along with Clary, that Amara was here, to begin with. 

"The area's secure. It looks like he was the only assassin... Where's Amara?" Izzy questioned as she scanned the area for her fair-haired friend, only to come up empty-handed. 

"She's gone; Magnus dragged her through the portal," I explained coldly, my gaze still locked onto my parabatai and his red-headed obsession. A noise of horror erupted from my sister, and I didn't have to look at her to know how worried she was for Amara. 

"This is exactly why we didn't want her to come; we've no idea what Magnus wants with her." Izzy hissed towards our two companions. Clary looked as if she was about to have a mental break down, her breaths coming out short and sharp, while Jace just stared back at me defiantly. 

"He has a Circle rune on the base of his neck," I explained with a sigh, gesturing towards the dead body of the attacker, choosing to ignore Clary and Jace for the time being. 

"They found us. It's not safe here. Clary, we have to go. Clary..." Jace commanded, rushing us towards the exit, my sister helping a woozy looking Clary. 

"Jace," Izzy called with worry, but Jace didn't seem to realize or care about her deteriorating condition.  

"Clary, we have to move." He tried again, but Clary simply glared at him. 

"I'm catching my breath." She snapped, and that was all it took for me to break. Everything that was happening was because of her and her disregard for rules and common sense. 

"You know, this is great. And not only did Magnus not get the girl her memories back, but he also took the necklace and Amara with him. This is fantastic—" I began my rant, but Jace wasn't having it. 

"Alec, the girl... her name is Clary, and I highly suggest you keep your voice down." He growled at me, and I took a step forward, not at all intimidated by his snarling. 

"Why? What, are you afraid I'm gonna upset her? We've risked our lives again and again for this girl, and where has it gotten us? All right? Nowhere. We're no closer to getting the Mortal Cup, we've lost the Institute's necklace, and in case it slipped your mind, Amara just vanished into thin air with absolutely no way to defend herself. Do you realize how easy it'd be for Magnus to snuff out her life?" I bit back, and Jace at least had the decency to look embarrassed, as he should. 

"Hey, I am right here. I don't care about your damn jewellery. I'm sorry you're gonna look bad in front of your bosses, okay? But my mother is still missing and my... my last chance at finding her just disappeared into thin air... Do you think that I wanted Amara to be taken? We grew up together; she's like my family." Clary barked, but that only fueled my fire. 

"She's your family? Then why, pray tell, have you been the one constantly putting her in the line of fire? Izzy, Simon and I are the only ones that have made her safety a priority, but all of our efforts have been wasted because of you and your ridiculous requests. Amara loves you; that much is clear, but I'm not so sure you love her... if you did, we wouldn't be in the position." Just like an arrow shot from my bow, my words hit their mark as Clary's face dropped, her eyes brimming with tears, but no one said anything. 

Equilibrium - Alec Lightwood. (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now