Chapter Twenty Six

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Isabelle's POV 

The moment Alec and I got back to the institute, he headed straight towards the infirmary. I knew that Amara needed to be checked over, but it wasn't the bruising or the smoke inhalation that I was worried about. 

What she went through, what she had to endure, is something that no person should go through, male or female. It didn't just wound them physically. It destroys them from the inside. It's an invisible wound that can't be healed, not by any rune or magic. 

A wound that leaves the biggest scar that no one can see. 

I wanted to go with them, hoping that having a female there would make her feel more at ease, but when I spotted my mother headed towards us, I sent Alec away with Amara still curled up in his arms. 

So, now I was walking through the institute with a woman who should adore me but doesn't. 

"It's why they've broken off contact with the Clave. They're considering switching sides." I explained as we walked side by side. 

"That's totally irrational." Mum snapped, trying to hide the look of worry on her face, but I could still see it. When you spend hours staring into someones face looking for a glimmer of affection, you learn to see everything else very quickly. 

"It's self-preservation. They think Valentine can win. Seelies always wanna be on the winning side." I tried to educate, but all Mum could hear was my failings, and I knew that I was about to be hit with yet another snide comment. 

"Never trust a people who can't lie. They find much more inventive ways to stab you in the back. I suppose you find that attractive." She voiced with no hesitation. 

I tried to hide the sting her words left upon my heart, but it didn't matter, either way, she was busy looking elsewhere. 

"The girl that you and Alec brought back, who is she?" Mum asked, and I was momentarily surprised. It was rare that she asked about anything that didn't affect her or the institute, but I suppose she would be a little curious after the verbal lashing Amara gave her. 

"Her name's Amara Lewis; she's Simon's older sister. We met her through Clary." I answered, albeit a little hesitantly. My Mum may have just been curious, but there could be more to it than that, and I wasn't about to leave Amara exposed. 

"Interesting. Your brother seems to have taken quite the shine to her." She murmured, and I nodded in agreement when I heard no disgust in her tone. 

"She's actually been rather helpful, and Clary listens to her," I added on, knowing how much my mother disliked the Fray girl. 

"Well, we need all the help we can get in that department. Why's she in the infirmary? What happened?" Mum asked, and this time, I was more hesitant to answer than last time. I doubt Mum would be so cold as to use the information against her, but Amara might not want anyone to know, and it wasn't my place to say anything. 

"When Clary, Simon and Amara were taken, she got hurt in the process," I muttered quietly, thinking back to the distraught look in Amara's vibrant blue eyes. She looked so helpless and fragile; I just wanted to smother her with love. 

"I can always tell when you're hiding something, Isabelle." Mum snipped back, and I sighed, coming to a stop and looking towards the roof with sadness. 

"If I tell you this, you have to swear to me, on the angel, that you won't tell a soul," I demanded, and my Mum looked a little startled by my stern tone. 


"Promise me. I want your word, as my mother." I interrupted, locking gazes with her. Mum stared back at me harshly, but I didn't flinch, and I didn't break eye contact. I needed her to know that I was deadly serious. 

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