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Cc: Letter


My run was too quick and I didn't want to go to the gym yet, but I had to.

Marquessa, Annie, Jessa, Kat, Jaymie, Hestia, and Ylleria.

We need a name quick, but most of all, I need them to rest today. Kat needs some fun and comfort. The other girls did well yesterday, and Kat did best, but more than face her fear, she needs to confront it and get better.

I approach the girls and sat down, intent straight to business.

"Good morning," Marquesa smiled at me.

Despite how laid back she looked at first, she's actually pretty analytic and focused, and isn't afraid to assume the worst. Annie seemed more mature, but she's quite simple, although of course she's not to be taken advantage of. She must've learned it the hard way, with her aura giving off a battlescar vibe.

Jessa was the baby of the group, and was the most encouraging one. The type of friend you can lean on and spending time with her just cheers you up.

The other girls greeted me as well and Hestia threw me a wrapped burger. "Breakfast," she said, in explanation. 

I did forget to eat breakfast.

I thanked her and set it aside first. "Before anything, we have to think of a name. The real deal's coming up."

"I was thinking of something along the lines of cooperation or togetherness," Jessa shyly suggested. 

It's cute because right after she says that, Marquesa and Annie look at her with blatant adoration, like older sisters looking at their baby sister. 

Kat tilted her head without looking at them "Isn't that too cliche?"

"I, I mean," Jessa stammered nervously.

"I mean, chill," Kat smirked. "It doesn't mean your idea is bad. It's good, and I get your point. Two rival school working together. There's a reason it's widely used. My point is, how are we going to make it unique enough?"

Hestia raised her hand. 

Jaymie smacked her head lightly, making me and Ylleria laugh. "Ow," Hestia whined.

"This isn't recitation, doofus."

Hestia pouted at us and proceeded. "Maybe we can do something along the lines of blending. Then our uniform colors can be put together and blended in some areas and stuff. Representing the fact that we're different schools, but we're willing to work together with more unity when it counts."

"Basketball games count?" Kat scoffed. "Games aren't that serious."

Marquesa nodded. "They aren't but I think what Hestia means is the fact that when cooperation is needed, we're willing to set aside our difference and are capable of working as a team seamlessly. Sort of like no pettiness and more professionalism."

Annie laughed. "It is a serious situation after all. It's like at this point, whatever the outcome is determines whether our school's dignity and integrity are protected."

Jaymie grinned. "What if our logo is the canary on a white tiger's head or shoulder?"

Ylleria lit up. "Ooh! I can do our logo!"

They all looked at me and I nodded. "Sure. Go ahead."

At this point I didn't really contribute anything, and I don't plan to. I'm bad at names and titles.

"What if," Jaymie began, with a tell-tale twinkle in her eyes. "We have no name and we let our logo and our actions speak for itself?"

"I like that."

Jaymie shot me with a deadpan look. "That was a joke, Val."

"I'm not joking though," I shrugged. "But of course, I'm just one person amongst eight. So it doesn't matter yet."

"I'm up for it," Kat said.

Eventually everyone said, it seemed okay, so that's how it went.

I told them I wanted to have some sort of a relaxed planning of our routine. We had to perform a halftime show on the finals and we'd be judged as well, so this has to be really good. 

During break, I pulled Kat aside. "Are you feeling better?"

She nodded. "Thanks for yesterday. You're not the most comforting person, but you know how to slap sense into someone without even intentionally doing it."

I smiled and patted her shoulder. "It's how I was raised. No one was there to comfort me, really. Everyone's just there to wake me up. I know it's not the best solution all the time, but this is how I am. Tell me if you'd prefer silence." I laughed lightly at my last statement, but I meant it. Sometimes people are too shy to point out that one person's encouragement is being rather discouraging or upsetting for them, and I'd prefer to be quiet than to discourage or upset anyone unless it's necessary.

She nodded and excused herself to grab a snack.

I was left along in the Jalopy, but to my surprise, I had a visitor.

"Dude, hey!"

Claire laughed out loud as she brisk walked towards me, holding a slice of chocolate cake. "Is this good?" she fed me a piece.

I focused one the creaminess of the filling and the perfect density of the cake, but despite how perfect they were, something felt missing. "How about something with fruit jam in it? or dark chocolate layers to add bitterness?"

Claire shrugged and sat down in front of me. "I suggested to add something bitter, but Maddie was hesitant, so I didn't push it. Why don't you call her?"

Before I called Maddie, I opened my mouth wide for another piece. She looked at me with disgust but fed me anyway. "Call her, quickly."

I speed dialed Maddie-- number 8. 


I screamed and knocked my knee on the bleacher. "Don't! Do that!" I screamed at Maddie, who was laughing her butt off so hard that she wasn't even listening nor dodging my attacks.

"Ahh," she let out, dropping to the floor in exhaustion from laughing. 

Claire ignored us both and took a swig of her bottled iced tea. "She said to try adding a fruit jam filling or dark chocolate layer."

Maddie frowned. "But that's like saying the goodbye is bitter."

"Bittersweet," I corrected, finishing off the cake Claire brought, and giving her a cheeky thank you.

The rest of the day went by pretty fast, but I'll just recall it tomorrow. I'm still pretty tired from doing almost nothing of use today.

I looked at my bedside table, as I often do before going to bed, and I find an envelope sticking out from under my lampshade. It had a vanilla scent to it.

What was the chemical formula for vanilla again?

After reading the letter, I went to sleep, shoving away all the thoughts that started to build up doubts in me.

AN: By the way, just wanna say I'm sorry that the preview I shared during the intermission that I said is a sneak peek of the July 14 update only appeared in this chapter huhu

Thanks and stay safe always!

God bless, everyone!

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