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Cc: This guy is annoying.


I ended up asking them to try thinking of like a bunch of song ideas and cheer ideas to bring up tomorrow.

Earlier in the meeting, I really wanted to leave because of the awkwardness and the tension, but I didn't want to be petty about it. I'm just scared that they wouldn't treat us as equals and... but thinking about it... why should I be scared?

We just have to perform together and it's all over, right?

But, no.

Not for me.

I don't find things fulfilling when nothing new comes out of it.

"Hey, why'd you call for us?" Kelly asked, slipping onto the spot next to me.

"I want to watch a movie or something."

Kelly looked like she just came out of the office, Maddie looked like she was having a chill day, Claire looked like she just finished a run, and Froida looked like she just finished her daily gaming.

"What movie?" Maddie and Froida quickly asked, looking ready for something new to do.

"I'm down for anything," I chuckled.

Claire scowled a little. "I need to bathe first. Goodbye." And she left quickly with the drink she ordered. Sometimes, it's just too nice to live quite close to a place you frequent.

Tiddie's was colder than usual, but quieter, and although I didn't feel that much different, the atmosphere was definitely not what we normally felt. I noticed there was a guy by the corner, sipping luxuriously on a cup of something, and stares were pointed bluntly at him but he was busy scrolling on his phone.

Kelly took a sip of her iced macchiato with whipped cream and caramel syrup and smiled. "I told Granddad I'd be out for a break, so I can't go, but I'll wait 'til Claire comes and see you girls off, okay?"

I snorted and Maddie tried to suppress her laughter. 

"Yes, mother," she responded cheekily, and we exchanged a high five and giggled loudly, Maddie giving me unwanted but quickly forgiven slaps on the forearm.

Kelly stared us down, but to be honest, we didn't find it scary at all, and after our laughter died down, I noticed Froida looking at us like she was unsure what to do. All Maddie and I could do was go on giggling again.

"Sorry, Froi, just, relax." It was obvious she felt even more scared.

"Yeah," Kelly said. "Your nervousness won't stop us from biting anyway."

"Kellyyyy!" I half-scolded, still finding everything happening kinda funny. "Froida, you can laugh."

Maddie slapped my arm. "You idiot! How can she laugh? The poor girl is," a giggle escaped her. "Sorry, Froi." She cleared her throat before speaking again, looking more serious. "Froida doesn't find it funny and she's scared, if you ask her to laugh she's gonna feel threatened and do it out of fear."

That's true, but that didn't make it less funny. 

Froida always seemed scared and too submissive to us, and that, that, wasn't funny. we're her friends-- she should feel comfortable with us, not suffocated or whatever.

Maybe she was...

"Okay, real talk," I said, "Why are you 'not scared'," I asked, putting air quotes at those two words, "but always so, like, iffy and jumpy and so hesitant. Do you have a... an inferiority complex?" I took a sip of my soda and looked at her. "Not shaming or judging you, but like we can help you if you do really feel that way."

Froida did not look assured, but sighed and gave a small smile. It looked almost... painful and ashamed at the same time, and I really, really hated it. It almost made me feel in pain and ashamed.

Maddie probably noticed the atmosphere because she smiled and gave an awkward laugh. "So, uhh, let's get back to the main thing," she suggested. "What film do you girls want  to watch?"

"I don't really mind," I shrugged. "I just wanna have some girl time for stress release purposes."

"How about you, Froida?" 

Froida smiled at Maddie. "I'm fine with anything, really."

"I suggest you girls watch that film about a girl getting weird superpowers from her lunchbox," Kelly deadpanned.

I... was she being serious or was it a joke? Doesn't matter.

"Sure, why not!" 

This is why we found ourselves later with Claire, saying goodbye to Kelly and entering the chilly mall to watch a movie. It was bustling and happy in the mall. Maddie and I walked arm in arm while Froida and Claire were discussing something I have no idea about because they had really good volume control so they could speak really softly and clearly that barely anyone in the crowd would notice they were talking unless they were close enough or watching them.

"Why did you say that?" Maddie scolded me, pinching me a little. 

"Oww!" I rubbed over my now-reddish skin and glared at her. "We're friends, it's okay."

"No, V. I get that you feel that way, but Froida's already cautious. Do you think you'd make her more comfortable just by asking her to talk if she has a problem?"

"I guess not. But I mean, it's not like she had to say it then and there. besides, Froida can make her own decisions, I'm not forcing her to do anything."

Maddie shook her head. "She's already panicking at any sign of coldness or command from you or Kelly. You can't say things like that so forwardly and right after she reacts that way.She probably feels the most conscious and defensive after being triggered."

"I didn't mean to," I mumbled dejectedly.

Maddie gave me a reassuring smile. "I'm sure she won't take it the wrong way. It's not like she doesn't know you."


But I think not. I mean, Maddie's right. Maybe I should've spoken to her in private or something and not asked her straightforwardly-- almost seeming confronting, even. I had just been laughing at her awkwardness, so offering help or support about whatever problems or feelings she may have been having about us right after might have not been so believable, and like Maddie said, may have been a bad time because she would feel more conscious and defensive because of it.

I'm gonna apologize to her.

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