The Jammed Locker: Part 5

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When we finally arrived at Principal Masterson's office I was already incredibly nervous. He called us into his office and Mrs Westlake explained the situation while the three girls stood smugly.

"I see the predicament you're in," said Principal Masterson, "but unfortunately we can't just allow pupils to steal from each other out of necessity. Now if these girls allow you to borrow their clothes out of compassion then that is up to them but unfortunately for you I can't make them. Rebecca," he said after turning to the girl who claimed to own the tracksuit bottoms, "Would you be so kind as to lend this girl your tracksuit bottoms due to her predicament?"
"No." She said proudly and with a smile. The principal actually looked shocked, perhaps he had a little too much faith in the kindness of the pupils in his school.

"Well I suppose that means you better return them too her." said Principal Masterson.
"Right now?!" I asked desperately.
"Legally if she wants them back right now then yes unless you want me to involve the police."

I bent down to take off the shoes first.
"And I want my shoes back too!" chirped the third girl with a smile. I sighed and took them off and handed them to her then slowly lowered the tracksuit bottoms and stepped out of them as the three girls, Mrs Westlake and the Principal watched me.

I stood there naked from the waist down and tried to pull the jumper down to cover myself but without much success. My priority was covering myself from the front so the principal couldn't see anything but that left me pretty exposed to the three girls behind me who giggled.

The principal spoke again, "Now, emmm..."
"Katie." Interrupted the blonde girl who owned the hoodie.
"Katie," said the principal, "Would you -"
"Nope!" She interrupted with a smug smile. Principal Masterson sighed and didn't say anything but simply looked at me as if to give me the go ahead to take the jumper off. I was once again on the verge of tears as I lifted the hoodie up over my head and handed it to Katie who nearly burst out laughing as I did so. She looked me up and down while smirking as I handed her the hoodie.

"You three can leave now." he said to the girls.
"Principal Masterson?" asked Katie, "Those socks are stolen too, we don't know whose they are but the most responsible thing to do would be to have her return them to the changing rooms." Principal Masterson looked fed up. He told me to take off the socks and then told Katie to return them.
"But Principal Masterson she stole them!" Katie protested.
"I don't care I asked you to return them." he replied as he sent the three girls back to class.

I could hear the three of them laughing through the door as they left. I stood there naked and humiliated covering my vagina with my hands but inadvertently leaving everything else on display. "I suppose the next course of action is to send Mrs Westlake to see if she can open your locker, in the mean time you can wait here." said Principal Masterson.

Mrs Westlake asked for my locker number and combination and then left. I was then left alone and naked with a principal who was clearly just as uncomfortable as I was. He got up from his desk and opened the cupboard and from it produced a brown patterned fluffy blanket. "Here," he said, "You can cover yourself with this. Now I have to go sort some things will you be alright waiting here?"
"Sure, and thank you Principal Masterson." I said. He left the room and to be honest I was quite relieved as it seemed like this nightmare would finally be over when suddenly... the fire alarm went off.

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