The Jammed Locker: Part 6

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I didn't know what to do. The fire bell just kept ringing and I knew I was supposed to evacuate the building but I was wearing nothing but a blanket. After the bell had been ringing for about a minute I stepped out from Principal Masterson's office to see if there was anyone else in the building. The vice principal's office was empty too and I soon realised I was the last one in the building. I stepped outside and saw in the distance the rest of the school all assembled at the football field which doubled as the school's fire assembly point. With no other option I wrapped my towel around myself as tightly as I could and walked towards the rest of the school. I was no more than 20 feet away from the crowd of people who were already staring at me when I saw Katie, the blonde girl who's hoodie I had borrowed and who had came to the principal's office with me coming towards me from the side.

Everyone watched as Katie, with a smile on her face as always, yanked the blanket right off me in front of everyone. Some stood in shock, some cheered, some laughed and some of the girls didn't seem to like that my body was the centre of attention, I wished I could tell them I also wasn't too thrilled about it.

As a crowd of hundreds stared at me I quickly tried to cover myself with my hands but it was pointless, they had already seen everything. I stood there naked and humiliated while Katie stood proudly beside me, holding my blanket like it was some sort of trophy.

With no other option I ran away, I didn't know where I was going I just knew I didn't want to be here. I ran until I made my way back to the gym where this whole mess had started. I pulled the curtain back on one of the showers and just sat down inside. I closed the curtain again so nobody could see me and turned the shower on to wash away my humiliation. I cried silently to myself for a few minutes until suddenly I heard the door open.

I pulled back a little, I was naked and scared and backed myself into the corner. "Hey." I heard from behind the curtain. I recognised the voice, "Katie? Is that you."
"It's me, I'm sorry about before."
"SORRY?" I yelled, "You're sorry for embarrassing me in front of the entire school? Or just stripping me in the office?"
"I'm sorry okay," she said. She sounded like she meant it. "I wish I hadn't done it now I just... I just thought you were really pretty." she said as she kneeled down and opened the curtain. She looked into my eyes so empathetically she seemed sincere. I pulled back a little more and made sure my knees were covering me. "What are you doing?" I asked. She moved closer to me. "I should never have pulled your blanket off like that," she said as she put her hand on my cheek and leaned in before trying to make out with me. "Woah!" I said pulling back from her lips, "What the fuck? First you wanna humiliate me now you wanna make out with me?"

She pulled back and stood up again. "I said I'm sorry okay! I just don't know how to deal with people sometimes." I just stared at her in disbelief. "Here, you wanna get even?" she asked as she unbuttoned the three buttons at the top of her tennis shirt.
"Uh...what are you doing now?" I asked concernedly as she lifted her shirt off and threw it on the ground to reveal a white bra underneath. "Getting even." she said as she took off her shoes and slipped off her tennis skirt.

"Oh- oh my god!" I said as I realised what she was doing and turned away and lifted my hands to cover my eyes as she unhooked her bra.
"What's the matter?" She asked, now only wearing a white thong and holding her bra in her left hand. "I assume you've seen a pair of tits before?" she said looking down at my cleavage. I nervously tried to cover myself more with my legs. She slipped her thong off and handed me her clothes.
"Here, take mine. Least I can do."
"Uh thanks I guess?" I said taking them out of her hand. I didn't want to get dressed just yet because that would mean standing up and letting her see me naked again. She just smiled at me and turned around. I watched her almost merrily skip out of the room completely naked. Her pale white butt disappearing around the corner of the corridor.

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