Spell Gone Wrong

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Hi everyone! This is my first story and I'm just trying to see how this goes. If you haven't guessed... yes I am a Bonnie stan and thought she was treated horribly throughout the entire show. I DO NOT OWN THE CHARACTERS FROM TVD OR THE ORGINALS. Please tell me if the story is trash lol
Moody= Stefan
Demon= Damon

Bonnie POV

I had been used for the last time. I am sick of everyone around me and I refuse to be the "fix it witch" anymore. What hurt the most was that Elena chose the Salvatores over me. Elena and I have been best friend since diapers and as soon as Moody and Demon came into her life, she dropped everyone and still expected loyalty. Like, really? You would think I would have learned this lesson a while ago but I was blinded. I have sacrificed much of my life just so Elena could be happy, and deep down I knew she wouldn't do the same. I just couldn't admit it to myself. But tonight was the last straw.

FLASHBACK 7 hours ago

*Ring Ring*

Bonnie's phone rang  for the millionth time. She thought whoever it was would take the hint and leave her alone but boy was she wrong! Bonnie reached over her nightstand to grab her phone off of her charger after the last ring. When she looks at her phone she sees:

Elena- 3 missed calls
Demon- 5 missed calls and a voicemail
Caroline💞- 2 missed calls, 10 messages, and 3 voicemails.

She decides which one she should get back to and calls the person she likes the most.

"Hey Care" Bonnie said in a sleepy tone

"Don't hey me Bonnie Sheila Bennett! Where are you? Have you not seen the messages and the missed calls. I was worried sick and you weren't responding to anyone else either. Like, seriously? What's going on? Are you okay? Are you sick? I can bring some popcorn and we can have a girls night? Or do you not feel well—

Bonnie interrupted and said "CARE! I'm okay. I was just sleeping. I've been doing a lot of spells this week and they really took a toll on me. What's up?"

"Nothing, I know you're not feeling well and I refuse to make you feel—

I know Caroline like the back of my hand and when she says nothing is wrong, it is the exact opposite.

"Caroline Elizabeth Forbes if you don't tell me what is going on and why everyone is blowing up my phone this late at night then I will hang up in 3...2...

"Okay! Okay! It's Elena. As you know Stefan is still under the influence of Klaus and Elena and Damon want to find a spell that could reverse the compulsion" Caroline said in one breath

Bonnie didn't say anything for a full minute and then...

"What?! There is literally no possible way to undo the compulsion of a vampire as old a Klaus without killing me! They can't be serious! I may be able to do some stuff but not something like this Caroline. It's like they don't have any regard for my life at all. And even if there is a chance, I can't control expression and I could go off the deep end. I can't risk that. "

"I know, I know! I kept telling them that but we both know that they don't like to listen to people. Do you want me to tell them? I can come over if you want?" Care said

"No that's okay. And I'll tell them myself. I'll be at the boardinghouse in 10 minutes." Bonnie said with determination

"Okay Bon, I love you"

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕺𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖎𝖓𝖆𝖑𝖘 | 𝔅𝔬𝔫𝔫𝔦𝔢 𝔐𝔦𝔨𝔞𝔢𝔩𝔰𝔬𝔫 {on hold}Where stories live. Discover now