New Beginnings?

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Hey everyone!!! I'm back with chapter 2 and I am still testing the waters. I've never written a story before and I get extremely nervous when looking at my work. Please comment your thoughts and ideas! And guess the ships!!!! Thank you again for taking the time to read this story and I hope you enjoy this chapter. I don't own the characters!

Bonnie POV
The next time I woke up I was in this little hut. I sit up slowly because I don't want to faint again. Once I fully stand up I realize that I'm wearing a loose fitted dress? I walk around the hut and see different herbs and books and I just know I am not in the same time period. I got closer to one of the books when I felt a hand on my should and jump.

When I turn around I see Rebekah Mikaelson in the flesh. She looked so innocent I had to rub my eyes to make sure it was really her and I wasn't going crazy.

Her eyes widen in shock and she says, " I am so sorry. I didn't mean to startle you. My name is Rebekah. My siblings and I found you yesterday morning on the ground and we couldn't just leave you there" she chuckled. "After you fainted, we brought you here to Ayana. Ayana is like a second mother to me and she took you into her home with no hesitation. You know, it's really not safe to be in the woods, there are all sorts of creatures in the night. Anyways, I don't think I caught your name?"

"Well, that's because I didn't throw it" I said with a straight face. Rebekah didn't move for a minute and then she started laughing so hard to the point of tears and I couldn't help but have a small smirk on my face. Once she eventually got up, she said

"My aren't you funny! My brother Kol would absolutely love you. He also has a sense of humor but his never shuts off, sadly. It gets quite annoying. I can count on one hand how many times I've seen him serious.

While she was talking about Kol, I just now recalled what she said about Ayana.

I blinked once

I blinked twice

Did she say Ayana? As In Ayana Bennett. As in one of my oldest ancestors and Esther Mikaelson's dearest friend?

After getting out of my thought, I outstretched my hand and say, " It's nice to meet you Rebekah. I'm Bonnie and I honestly don't know how I got here.

Rebekah looks and my hand and pulls me into a hug. I yelp, not expecting such action, but I soon find myself hugging her back.

After breaking the hug, Rebekah looks at me with a smile on my face and says, " I can tell we are going to  be the best of friends. All of the other girls around here are simply dull and boring. I've only known you for a day and you already seem livelier than them. We should go and pick berries together sometime, and you could meet my brothers. They have talked of you nonstop and I fear if I don't bring you around sooner or later, I might just lose my mind. Oh! We can also-

Before she finished her sentence A stunning older lady, mid 40s, came into the hut. Her skin had a glowing complexion and her aura screamed power. She looks and me and then at Rebekah and says,

"Rebekah, she has just woken up, let the girl breathe. She will meet with the others on her own accord I am sure."

She walks up to me and says, " Hello little one, I am Ayana Bennett and you can stay here for as long as you need to."

I just stare. I know it's rude but I couldn't help it.  I was in utter awe. After collecting myself I say, "Hello, I am Bonnie and thank you very much for your hospitality. It's not everyday that someone will take in a stranger." I look down feeling a little embarrassed about it all.

She lifted up my chin and says, "But you aren't a stranger are you?"  My eyes widen in shock and she nods in understanding.

Luckily Rebekah wasn't paying any attention because I wouldn't know how to explain this situation. After a moment of silence Rebekah turns and looks at Rebekah and says,

" Rebekah dear, you might want to hurry home before your mother and father hear that you have been gone for this long. I can only give so many excuses."

Rebekah's eyes widen and she rushes to the door but before she exits she turns and says, " It was nice meeting you Bonnie. Would you like go berry picking with me tomorrow morning."  I nodded in confirmation and she says her farewell to Ayana and leaves.

Ayana ushers me to the main room of the hut and says, " What time period are you from?" I look at her in shock and say, "What do you mean?"

She laughs a little and says, " Dear, I know you are not of my time, but you are if my line. The spirits talk. They want me to tell you that this is your second chance at a life you deserve to live. Bonnie, I saw all you had to endure and I want you to know that I will do everything in my power to ensure that ever happens again." I didn't even notice that I had tears falling down my face until Ayana wiped them away. She gets up and walks to another part of the hut and I whisper, " Thank You".

She turns her head back at me and says " You are family. I will always look out for you. Now, it's time for you to get some rest. If you aren't up when Rebekah comes over in the morning then she will drag you out of the bed herself."

I laugh and then look at her face and notice she wasn't joking. I quickly stood and went to my sleeping area.

The next morning, Rebekah comes with a bright contagious smile. We walk to this forest and my feet were hurting so bad but I held it in. We start picking blueberries in the western area of the forest when I notice that the bucket was almost filled. I tell Rebekah that I was going back to Ayana's to get another bucket. On my way back from retrieving the bucket, I got so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice the person standing in front of me. I run into a solid back and tumble back to the ground. That said person turns around lends me a hand. I took the hand without really looking at the person because I was too embarrassed. Once I dust myself off I look up and my eyes widen.

After a a full minute of staring, he smirks and says,

" Is that any way to thank your knight in shining armor? By staring? I know I'm gorgeous darling but a thank you would have sufficed."

I just gape and then I mutter, "Kol..."

YESSSSS!!! Kol Mikaelson is in the picture!!!! I love Kol and I will never understand how Jeremey and Elena killed him smh 🤦🏾‍♀️ I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and please comment!!! I love the comments and if this story is trash then... I just might not continue lol. Hope you enjoy this chapter!!! Oh! And sorry for the Grammar errors🥴 I'll try to go back and fix some of those...

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