Dream and Threat

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Ichinose's POV

“Haaa.... Haaaaa.... Haaaa..... ”

I was rushing deep in the dense dark forest, running away as much as possible, from the unknown person that is chasing me.

Even though my vision is vague, I continue moving forward to find a single light ray of hope that will save me from this current dilemma.

Having stepped on this rocky ground for a quite long time now, my foot started to hurt. My stamina is slowly draining, as I'm heavily breathing, gasping for air.

I don't know the exact reason why I'm running away from the stranger nor the reason why he's chasing me. All I know is that I need to run and run and just run...

Thinking about all of it, I didn't notice the large tree root that was blocking the path, so I tripped over it.

Making my body come crashing to the surface of the ground. 


I then pinned my arm on the hard surface, and then pushed it, forcing my heavy body to get up.

But before it happened, the person tailing me caught up to me.

He grabbed my shoulder and turned me around by force. After that, he places his palm in my mouth, covering it, preventing me from shouting.

I was laying on the ground, helpless, as the mystery person straddles me. He then picks something inside his pocket and finds out that it was masking tape.

Tears then started to form in my moist eyes. I'm begging for him to stop this cruelty, but the person didn't care.

He just looked me in the eye, as if I'm an object that should be disposed of.


I then suddenly raised my body, frightened to the core, of which I thought that it happened, but turns out that it was a nightmare.


When I put down my arm that was clutching my chest earlier, I felt a hard and rough substance touching my palm.


Looking down, I saw a flat ground made of rock, then switching my gaze above, I also saw another rock formation, but this time, it's a ceiling.

This is not my tent, isn't it?’

My mind suddenly runs wild, I just recently woke up from a bad dream and now I'm here, inside a silent yet unknown place, where I don't have a bit of an idea on the reason why I'm here though.

In my peripheral view, I noticed a shadow that is close to the entrance of the place.

I was gonna shout but didn't because the colour of the hair is familiar. I immediately know that it's a boy just by seeing his muscular naked upper body.

Wait!? Naked!?’

Upon knowing about that important info, my body voluntarily moved in a hastened pace, checking if something was missing or out of place.

I know deep in my mind that if something happened to me like the thing that I'm thinking right now, I'm gonna lose my face and will be ashamed for the rest of my life.

How could I let myself be so defenceless?’

Still checking every part of my body, the person that is also inside the cave then moves his head and looks at me.

I then quickly froze and,

“Good afternoon Ichinose.”

Wait, this voice is familiar…

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