After the disaster

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" We are under attack... retreat now,..." that is the year 2040 and the beginning of world war III. American president Mr. George had no choice and he decided to attack china because of some political reason. Now Chinese airforces are attacking texas and so many soldiers are dead. After the merger of South Korea, the war began to move in a different direction so many powerful countries used nuclear bombs to attack their enemies. Because of this so many nuclear bombs blast on the earth and its caused a life-threatening situation that lasted for centuries. with this eruption, the amount of radiation increased and the earth became unfit for habitation.

"Excuse me, Mr. President, I have a piece of new news for you"

"Again I don't think that is good news, When did we finally hear the good news Mr, Secretary. What's now?"

" Sir, the radiation level on the surface is now rising fast. we have no other choice. You have to go to the space center now."

" Not only that sir I have received the latest report from Harvard University they say because of the shock waves of the bombs, the inclination of the earth has also changed. in a few months, a perpetual ice age will befall all the countries above the equator.

" Sir NASA and tesla have made space ships now they are planning to bring people to space. you should go too. We have already reserved seats for you and your family.

" Major, how many people have survived this war"

"Sir nearly sixty thousand or more than. But less than a hundred thousand"

"What the fuck man. you say only one hundred thousand lives have been saved out of millions?"

"Mr. President we all are waiting for your decision"

" Ok then. Advise NASA and tesla As many as they can bring to space. All the rest are being taken to the underground bunkers. We can't lose any more lives. if so, that would be the end of mankind"

"yes sir"

Within one month of World War III in 2042, two spaceships take into space. about 20 000 people traveled here, and their destination was an artificial settlement built on Mars. presidents of some countries including America went to the space center near the earth.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2021 ⏰

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