Sick Day

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The day after the big news Casey was downstairs doing some laundry when she heard Finn, she went upstairs to see him in the bathroom

Casey-"Oh babe". (rubs his back)

Finn-"I feel like shit, and it wasn't what I ate last night I just took my temp".

Casey-"Let's get ya back in bed".

Finn-"I'll go downstairs so I can watch the boys' game".

The head downstairs, Finn lays on the long part of the couch covered up while Casey turns on the tv, Junior and Chris' basketball team were in the playoffs and they were showing it on tv

Casey-"The game isn't on till seven, so what do you wanna watch till then?"

Finn-(flips through the channels) "Ohh glee's on!"

Casey-(laughs) "I swear that Cory character acts just like you".

Finn-"Well so does the girl that plays his sister".

Casey-"That's his sister in real life ya goof". (laughs) A/n pretend that Cory has a sister for this

While Finn watches tv Casey texts some of the others letting them know what's going on, Matt and Piper come over

Piper-"I brought soup!"

Finn-"Yes Pipers famous soup!"

Casey-'Here ya go babe". (hands it to him)

Matt-"Just a bug?"

Finn-"I hope so, I don't think it was the food from last night or else I would have gotten sick then".

Piper-"How far along are you Case?"

Casey-"Two weeks". (smiles)

Matt-"My man". (high fives Finn)

Piper-(laughs) "Boys, we gotta get going, you guys can keep that dish it's yours anyway from the funeral".

Finn-"Okay thanks again guys".

Matt-"No problem man see ya".

After they leave Finn finishes the soup, Casey cleans up while he goes and takes a shower, after he is done he comes down then covers back up on the couch

Casey-"You feeling any better?" (cups his cheek)

Finn-"A little, my fever went down".

Casey-"That's good, do you need anything before I go back to the laundry room?"

Finn-"Could you just get me a sprite please?"

She goes and gets his drink when she comes back she hands it to him then goes to finish the laundry when she is done she comes back and sees him crying

Casey-"Babe what's wrong?"

Finn-"You're doing all this work when you should be relaxing and I just appreciate it". (hugs her)

Casey-"Babe you're sick you would do the same thing for me even the kids".

Finn-"I know, I kinda miss them too I wish we could be there for the boys".

Casey-"They are fine with us not being there, plus they got the others".

Finn-'Yeah they called after I got out of the shower and asked if we were gonna watch".

Casey-"Well we for sure are, let me go get some snack and drinks then I'll come back and snuggle with you".

After she goes and gets stuff Casey comes back and lays with Finn

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