Talking To Will

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The next week Casey wasn't at school because she was on leave since the baby is due at anytime, so it was just Finn and Jesse with the kids on the last day of the school year

Chris-"Can you believe we wn

Beth-"Don't get me crying now". (laughs)

Amber-"I am so happy".

Kenzie-"We all did great".(smiles)

Finn-"I am proud of all of you, I know Rachel and Puck are too".

Mitch-"After this year you guys better comeback and visit".

Kenzie-"Oh you don't have to worry about that with me, I'll be going to Lima so I can stay home with Zeke".

Beth-"I'll be heading out to LA for film school".

Owen-"That's cool".

The bell rings and the kids head out, Finn goes to the auditorium where he asked Will to meet him

Will-"Okay what's up?"

Finn-"Well this is my second time doing this and I have no idea why I'm nervous, but here it goes I love your daughter and I want to be with her for the rest of my life, she is carrying my child, do I have your permission to marry her?"

Will-(tears in his eyes) "Big time".

Finn-(hugs him) "Thank you so much Mr.Shue".

Will-"For the last time call me Will. (hugs him tighter)

They stay like that for awhile then head back to the choir room where they see Emma and Casey along with Zeke

Emma-"Someone wanted to come see his grandpas".

Finn-"Hey little man". (takes Zeke)

Casey-"You all set for tomorrow dad?"

Will-"Yep dimpolas are all ready".

Emma-"I can't believe those two girls are graduating".

Finn-"Same here seems just like yesterday Beth was born".

Casey-"Same with Kenzie".

Chris-(comes in) "I thought I heard my boy".

Casey-"Well me and Emma have to get going, we have to get some last minute things for the nursery".

Finn-(kisses her) "See you at home".

After Emma and Casey leave Finn pulls out the ring to show to Chris

Chris-"No way". (hugs him)

Finn-"I plan on doing it after your brother is born".

Kenzie-(walks in) "You two ready?"

Chris-"Why yes we are". (hands her Zeke)

Will-"See you kids tomorrow".

Chris-"Oh dad we'll be at the house tomorrow morning".

Finn-"Sounds good see ya then bud".

After they leave Finn and Will finish cleaning their offices then head home, when Finn gets home he is greeted by the dogs and girls

Ally-"Hi daddy". (hugs him)

Madi-"How was your day?"

Finn-"It was good, even better now". (picks both of them up)

Junior-"Dad will this work for tomorrow?' (shows him)

Finn-"Are you auditioning?"

Junior-"Yep". (smiles)

Casey-(walks in) "Beth asked him just a bit ago".

Finn-"This is so awesome I am excited".

Jackson-(walks in) "I hope you don't mind your baby sister joining".

Ally-"Izzy!" (kisses her cheek)

Finn-"How's it going?"

Chloe-"We are just fine, thank you guys for the invite".

Casey-"No problem, plus I think they've missed Izzy". (smiles)

Jackson-"So when are you due?"

Casey-"Just in a few weeks".

Carole-(walks in) "Hun we're here!"

Chloe-"Is this our que to go?"

Burt-"It sure is , hi J".

Jackson-"Hi Burt, we'll see you guys tomorrow".

After they leave Carole puts stuff in the nursery then comes down

Junior-"Pops give him some slack".

Burt-"He hurt your mother no way".

Casey-"Burt we're on good terms now".

Finn-"Even I am with him".

Junior-"Crap I almost forgot, mom they did the sheet for the stands for the games".

Carole-"I could always fill in for your mom hun".

Kurt-(walks in) "Any of us could seeing how most of our boys are playing".

Finn-"I can do it the first game".

Madi-(laughs) "Daddy you're the coach".

Finn-"Oh that's right". (tickles her)

After awhile Burt and Carole left then also Kurt did, the kids took the dogs out then after that they went to bed, Finn and Casey were laying down

Casey-"Ouch" (holds stomach)


Casey-'Yeah I don't think momma is getting any sleep tonight". (strokes Finns hair)

Finn-"I'm sure you will". (kisses her)

They talk some more then go to bed 

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