06 - Amusement Park (pt. 1)

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June, 1992 - Japan

There were less than two months left in the first term of the school year. In an art contest, Haruka had won discounted tickets to an amusement park that was just outside of Konoha. There weren't enough for all of her friends though, so she worked extra chores to cover the extra tickets.

On a particular Saturday that no one mentioned having plans on, Haruka called Naruto, the only one with his license, to pick everyone up. At around noon he arrived at her house driving his dad's truck, which was big enough to hold everyone, with Hinata in the passenger seat.

First they picked up Sakura. Haruka rapped on her front door, and Sakura answered it, confused. But when Haruka told her what was going on, she squealed, grabbed her things, and led Haruka back down the front path to get in the car.

"Is Sasuke coming?" She asked excitedly.

Haruka shrugged, "Yeah, if he's free."

She squealed again, and Haruka laughed. Ino had been gardening in the front with her mother when her friends arrived, and Haruka rolled down the back window, asking, "Oi, wanna come to FunDome with us?"

"What, now?" Ino asked.

"Yeah, hurry up!"

Ino dashed inside to change and came out less than a minute later, fully prepared for the day. Shino was at Kiba's house, and they weren't doing anything special, so they both got in the car. Shikamaru didn't seem like he wanted to come, so Naruto got out of the car and forced him to tag along. Once they had picked up Choji, they arrived at Sasuke's house.

"Woah, is this his house?" Haruka asked, peering out the window and looking up at the magnificent building.

"Mhm!" Sakura said. "It's nice, right?"

Naruto got out again and rang the bell. He knew he was probably the only one that could convince Sasuke to come along. A woman that Haruka assumed to be Sasuke's mother answered the door. Naruto explained everything and gestured back to the car full of people, and Hinata waved to the woman when her eyes landed on the car.

The conversation couldn't be heard too well, but soon Naruto turned, gave a sign that he would be a minute, and walked into the house.

"Sasuke's such a drama queen," Shikamaru sighed and rolled his eyes from the back seat. "Can't he just hurry up so I can get back home?"

Had it been a mistake to buy all of the tickets in advance?

It took a little bit, but soon Sakura tapped Haruka on the shoulder and exclaimed, "There he is, he's coming!"

Naruto was laughing about something as he and his friend walked toward the car. Even Sasuke seemed to have a pleasant look on his face. Haruka would always be baffled as to how Naruto could put anyone in a good mood so quickly.

When they were finally on their way, Haruka asked Hinata to put the music tape that she had made the day before in the car's stereo. Then she rolled the windows down and told Naruto to blast it.

"Fine, but not too loud since-"




As soon as they got into the park, Haruka left her camera with Hinata and took those that were up for going on the big rides with her—Ino, Kiba, Shino, Shikamaru, and Choji—to ride roller coasters. She knew that Naruto liked roller coasters that made you sick too, but she also knew he felt like being with Hinata, who didn't prefer them. Sakura liked them as well, but Sasuke apparently didn't, and she wanted to hang around him a bit. Haruka was okay with them wussing out as long as all nine of them promised to go on at least one scary ride before the day was over.

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