07 - Amusement Park (pt. 2)

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Both Haruka and Sasuke were sure that in their search for Hisashi's family, they had ventured so far from their friends that they should start by finding their way back to the food area. Once they had done that, Haruka sighed loudly when she couldn't spot anyone. They were both sick and tired of walking around to look for people.

"They're probably done eating by now and looking for us." Haruka said. She was starting to get pretty hungry herself. "And now it's completely dark. What should we do?"

"We just have to keep looking." Sasuke said. He didn't know why she was coming to her for advice. "They'll turn up...hopefully."

So they started walking again. Haruka got some popcorn at a stand, since she was starving. She decided that she might as well enjoy herself, since there was a good chance that she would spend the rest of her visit being lost. The only problem was that it was proving to be a little difficult to enjoy herself with Sasuke, since he barely spoke. If there was anyone that she didn't want to be stuck with, it was him, only because she barely knew him and he seemed so distant.

"Are you hungry?" She asked him. He shrugged, and she forced him to take the second half of her popcorn.


"Yeah." Haruka said mindlessly. She wasn't a complainer, but they'd been lost for a good amount of time, and she was starting to get seriously tired. "Man, I just want to find everyone already. We must have walked through this entire place. How much you wanna bet they just left?"

"Do you have money for a cab, just in case?"

Haruka laughed a little, even though she wasn't totally sure if Sasuke was kidding. She took the lens cap off her camera and decided that she could at least take some pictures of the place.

"Wow, amusement parks always look so cool at night!" Haruka said happily, peering through the lens of her camera and taking tons of pictures. "But it always looks the best when..."

Haruka trailed off. Her camera's focus had landed on the Ferris wheel, and the sight made her stop walking. It was illuminated with tons of light, and it looked like the tallest one that Haruka had ever seen.

"We should ride that." Haruka said suddenly, as if she was in a daze.

Sasuke followed her eyes to the giant attraction, and he had to crane his neck upwards to see the whole thing. It was pretty massive. "Do you think we could see them from up there?"

"Oh, yeah, that too." Haruka nodded, still snapping pictures of it. She only wanted to see the view from the top, but she didn't mind finding her friends either.

When they had boarded, Haruka realized just how long they would probably be on the ride. It really was a huge wheel, and people seemed to take forever to get on and off. She would need to wait a little for any good views and photo opportunities.

"You see anyone?" Haruka asked casually, once more looking through the pictures she took. She'd gotten some good shots of the park and her friends. Maybe she would print the one of Naruto and Hinata on the Tunnel of Love and give it to them for Christmas.

"We're barely even off the ground." Sasuke said, bored.

When they started getting some noticeable height, Haruka's whole head was out of their capsule as she looked at the park below. There was officially no daylight left, and the whole park was lit only by the lights of the rides, signs, and games. Sasuke couldn't help noticing how Haruka's eyes were shining brightly. He looked away.

They weren't even near the top yet, but they already had a great view of everything. Haruka was taking so many pictures that the click of her camera seemed never ending.

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