18 - Halloween (pt. 2)

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October, 1992 - Japan

It was time for the last slow dance of the night. After it was done, Haruka could finally relax and it would just be a normal party. But she wasn't nearly out of the woods yet. Soft music played as all of the pairs who had just revealed themselves got in position for the last dance. Haruka spotted Ino and Sai together—Ino of course wearing a furious blush.

Sakura. Where was Sakura? If Haruka could spot her, she could dance with Sasuke instead of her and everyone could be happy. But to Haruka's dismay, she was nowhere to be found. Her heart thundered forcefully in her chest.

Her eyes found Tenten's, who was across the room dancing with Neji. She gave Haruka a cold, hard, you-better-dance glare. But dancing without anything to conceal her awfully flushed face was a whole different kind of humiliating.

"Would you just relax already?" Sasuke asked impatiently. If the situation were any different, Haruka would have gladly hit him on the head.

"I'm sorry, Sasuke," Haruka sighed, fighting the urge to curl up in a ball. "This stuff really just isn't my thing. Can you find someone else to dance with?"

If Sasuke were a more expressive person, he would have put his hands on his hips. "Are you scared?"

Haruka never disliked him more than she did in that moment. He was pushing her buttons just for fun, and why? She couldn't just stand there and take it. She steeled herself and huffed out, "No."

Her bout of courage lasted up until they actually began dancing. Even though she'd managed to stop stepping on his feet, she couldn't bring herself to look at Sasuke anymore. His face was just way too close to hers—she already knew what he looked like, so why was it necessary? Haruka didn't even have it in her to start a conversation, and he wasn't trying too hard to do so himself. She could feel his eyes on her, (typical, seeing as that's what you do when you dance) and she hated it.

"Would you quit looking at me like that?" Haruka asked. She had tried to sound intimidating, but the question ended up sounding like it came from a delicate, soft spoken weakling. "It's not like I'm trying to be the world's worst dance partner."

Sasuke rolled his eyes. "If you're trying to get me to tell you you aren't that bad at dancing as a pick me up, keep dreaming."

"That's not what I was trying to do!" Haruka flushed even more and she glared at him. "You can be so annoying sometimes, with all your snarky remarks. I hope you know that."

"Like you're any better?" He asked. She sighed.

The dance continued in silence only until Sasuke seemed to spot something behind Haruka. She watched in confusion and amazement as he blushed—the stone cold, emotionless Sasuke Uchiha actually blushed.

"Everything okay?" Haruka asked, unsure if she could laugh or if there was a problem. "Do you need some water?"

He snapped his eyes back down to her and regained his composure to the best of his ability, though his cheeks were still rosy. "No, it's just Naruto."

Haruka turned to see Naruto and Hinata dancing together, both of them already looking at her and Sasuke. Haruka smiled at them as a greeting and turned back to her partner.

"Oh, well..." Haruka drawled on awkwardly. "He does look pretty nice in that costume, but he's taken."

Sasuke looked at her in pure horror and disgust. "What?!"

"I-I'm sure you have a chance if they ever break up though! Most high school relationships-"

"Haruka. Would you shut up please?"

𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚋𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚔𝚎𝚎 • 𝚜𝚊𝚜𝚞𝚔𝚎 𝚞𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚑𝚊 𝚡 𝙾𝙲Where stories live. Discover now