34 - Heartbreakee #2

213 9 14

February, 1993 - Japan

If anyone had a reason to be irritated with the tension between Haruka and Sasuke—besides Haruka and Sasuke themselves, that is—it was Naruto. Of course it was a bummer that his best friend was fighting with the only girl he ever had real feelings for, but more than that it was lunch that always ended up ruining his entire day. Maybe it was that he was more inclined to notice it, or maybe it was that everyone else was choosing to ignore it, but it felt like sitting in a waiting room and being forced to make small talk for an hour.

On the days Haruka didn't barricade herself deep within the art closet, which were few and far between, she always sat in between Sakura and Ino. She still contributed to the conversation the best she could, but she generally only spoke when she was spoken to. Sasuke, although to his credit he did show up every day, was more or less the same way. It was ridiculous, really, how both of them only glanced in each other's direction when they were sure their eyes wouldn't meet.

The change in dynamic was practically imperceptible—Kiba and Choji still had no clue that anything had happened—but it stuck out like a sore thumb to Naruto especially. Hinata had convinced him not to interfere; he agreed that they should work things out by themselves, but he feared it would never happen. Haruka and Sasuke were two of the most stubborn people he had ever met, after all.

The bell for the end of lunch was set to ring any minute, and Haruka left the table early to reach her class on the second floor in time. Now certain that she wouldn't catch him looking, Sasuke was free to watch her leave. Naruto had been doing a good job of playing the fool so far, but at the obvious display of desire, he rolled his eyes.

"Dude," Naruto said in a low voice. "Why the hell won't you just make up already? Agree to disagree and be done with it."

"What are you talking about?" said Sasuke, his eyes still on Haruka as she disappeared through the cafeteria door. Naruto and Sasuke had never truly discussed it before; the only reason Naruto knew of the disagreement was because Hinata told him about it.

"Come on," Naruto said. "Why don't you?"

Sasuke let out a small sigh. "It's not exactly easy. But I know. I'm going to...I'll talk to her."


Finally Sasuke looked his friend in the eye. "Soon. So get off my back."


Along with the start of the third term came the start of the baseball season once more. Because it was still his job to put the equipment away, Sasuke was always the last one on the field after practices. After he'd finally gotten his things and put the bats away—careful to avoid looking into the occupied art closet on the way, of course—he threw a ball up and down in his glove on the empty field. It was cold, but something was keeping him from going home.


Sakura was standing tall at the edge of the fence with a smile. She waved and he began to make his way over to her.

"What are you still doing here?" He asked, still absentmindedly throwing the ball up and down.

"Council meeting. You had practice?"

"Yeah," He replied, watching his upward throw land safely in his glove. "Need a ride?"

"Oh, no," Sakura shook her head, and Sasuke stopped to look at her. Maybe it was the look in her eyes or maybe it was the way she stood, but something was different with her. "I like taking the train. But thanks."

They started on the walk toward the parking lot. Sakura began, "I wanted to tell you something, actually."

Sasuke simply waited for her to go on, but she took her sweet time. She watched her feet carry her for a little while, breathing deeply and mindfully, and then she stopped in her tracks to look up at him.

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