11 - Operation Sasusaku

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August, 1992 - Japan

With about a month left until the second term of school began, Haruka had made great progress on the mural. She continued her tradition of waking up early to paint before the sun was up, and then she spent the rest of the day doing whatever she liked. It was a welcome contrast to the hectic schedule that the end of the first term brought about.

On a lazy afternoon, Sakura called and asked if she wanted to go out for a late lunch. Haruka agreed in a heartbeat, since she hadn't actually hung out with anyone since Sasuke's impromptu birthday party.

As they sat at their table, Sakura said she had a favor to ask of her.

"What is it?" Haruka asked, then she gasped. "Don't tell me I have to babysit your cousin again."

Sakura laughed. "No. It's about Sasuke."

"What about him?" Haruka asked, even though she already knew what was coming.

"Well..." Sakura trailed off in the way that she did when she was embarrassed. "I was thinking since you got Naruto and Hinata together, and you introduced Ino and Sai, maybe you could help me get Sasuke's attention?"

"Hm, I don't know..." Haruka pretended to consider as she stirred her lemonade. "Sounds like a lot of work."

Sakura's expression grew desperate, which forced Haruka to give up the serious image she was going for. She laughed and said, "Course I'll help! You clearly need it."

"Hey!" Sakura said heatedly, though there was a smile on her face. She was beyond relieved.

As they ate, they brainstormed methods as to how to get them together.

"I mean, I've known him since forever. I thought taking to him would be enough, but it's not." Sakura admitted.

"Definitely not," Haruka nodded. "You really can't expect boys to pick up on anything. They're kind of oblivious. Hinata had to confess to Naruto, since he couldn't see the signs."

"You mean I need to confess to him?" Sakura asked in fear. "I don't want to, I'm too scared!"

"You might not have to," Haruka tried to calm her, but she had a hunch that it would end up being the only way to wake Sasuke up. "First we can try all sorts of things, and he might confess to you first."

"I doubt it," Sakura said honestly, in between bites. "I really don't think he's the type to ever confess to a girl. He's too shy."

"Well he might be shy now, but if you win him over, he just might like you enough to take the risk, right?"

"Maybe..." Sakura said. "I hope."

"Have confidence." Haruka demanded. "I'm sure we can make this happen."


"Really. Once he sees how cool you are, he won't be able to resist."

As the planning continued, they both agreed that Sasuke would probably never agree to a date right off the bat. He and Sakura would need to be stuck somewhere together, forced to spend time with each other.

The first move was eventually decided. They would go to a drive in movie. Of course, they would go under the premise of being accompanied by some of their friends, but said friends would give an excuse to leave them alone for the entire movie.

"So it would really be just us?" Sakura asked.

"Yeah. You've been alone with him before, right?" Haruka replied.

"I guess so...but not much outside of school."

"Do you wanna do this or not? It's just Sasuke."

𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚋𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚔𝚎𝚎 • 𝚜𝚊𝚜𝚞𝚔𝚎 𝚞𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚑𝚊 𝚡 𝙾𝙲Where stories live. Discover now