A New Journey Begins

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Chapter One

"H-uh" it hurts to make a sound.

What happened? Why...where am I? Am I outside? What's this warm feeling? Wait is this...blood?

  "Hmph. Let's see if you survive from this. If I can't have him no one can b****." A figure spits on me as they walk away.

My eyes weren't able to make out who it was. Their voice sounds familiar but I just can't figure it out right now. My body isn't responding.


Car? Accident? AHHH my body won't move.

  "It's okay! Everything will be okay! Just hang in there alright! The ambulance will be here soon." Someone says kneeling by my side. "Oh God there's so much blood."

How did this happened? Okay think Y/n. What were you doing today?  I was folding laundry and then...then...right! I was suppose to go see Yoongi. He had a very special performance today and he wanted me to see it. To support him and then...then this.

Voices were heard all around me but they all sounded so far away. I can barely make out their figures let alone their faces.

"They're here! Quick over here!!"

My world slowly went dark. The last thing I remember is feeling two pairs of hands picking me up. After that nothing.

Maybe I should've said no. Then he wouldn't have to see me like this. Or suffer. S***.

Lets go back to beginning. Make some sense of the situation shall we?

*7 months ago*

"Congratulations MSgt M.B," my CMSgt (chief master sergeant) Carter says as he hands me a document with my new station orders.

"Finally heading your favorite place on earth." He says as he laughs.

South Korea. Oh my goodness someone pinch me!

"Wait does that mean we are free from hearing M.B talk about those Asians she keeps listening too?" SSgt (staff sergeant) Philip says as he pops up from his desk.

"SSgt your just mad because your never going to be as smooth as butter like Jimin." TSgt (tech sergeant) Rachel exclaims as she stands from her desk.

"SSgt your just mad because your never going to be as smooth as butter like Jimin. And no, you're not free because I am still here." TSgt Rachel exclaims as she stands from her desk.

These two are always bickering about something. Philip might complain but I know he secretly likes kpop. Found a whole playlist on his computer before. Wait till Rachel finds out. She's never going to let him live it down.

"You leave in 2 weeks M.B." I look up at Carter. "I know it's been hard but I am very proud of you. You've come along way." He says with a hint of affection in his voice.

I met Carter when I was about 14 years old. He's actually my mom's cousin. They were always very close when they were little. He became like a very close uncle to me. As years went by, my family continued to fall apart. It was not a healthy environment. Carter was the one who convinced me to join the military because he knew it would help me.

"Are we just going to ignore the fact that CMSgt just called M.B MSgt?" A voice asks causing Philip and Rachel to pause their bickering and looked at us.

"Holy s***!! When did you get promoted?!" Philip exclaims as he drops the book in his hand.

A/N: These are the abbreviations and what they mean. As well as they are in order from high rank to low rank. There are more lower ranks however, I will explain those abbreviations when they are mentioned.

Also for those who read it when it first came out, I rewrote a good bit 😅.

CMSgt-> Chief Master sergeant
MSgt -> Master Sergeant
TSgt -> Technical Sergeant
SSgt -> Staff Sergeant

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