Yoongi cont.

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Chapter Seven

Yoongi's POV

   The sound of the door opening prompts Yoongi to bury himself even further into the darkest corner of the van. He hides his face with his black hat making sure she wasn't able to see him.

     "Hello," she's says in the sweetest voice. Wanting to get a better look at her, he slightly lifts his hat.

    Ah, she really is pretty.

    "Ah my name is Y/n Martinez Bravo. But please call me M.B."

   Y/n? I wonder where she's from. Her skin has a nice sun kiss glow to it. Does she like being in the sun? Or is that her natural color? Either way it's pretty.

   His mind began to fill itself with every detail of her as she continues to talk.

     "I'm in the military."

    Military? She's so small though. Wouldn't their uniform be a little big on her?

     Having the image in his head makes him smile.

     Cute...should I go for it? Ugh I hope she doesn't freak out...here goes nothing.

    "Your in the military? Well that explains how you easily toppled a 6'1 muscle man so easily." Yoongi gets up from his corner poking through the middle of the aisle.

   "Oh S***!!!"

    Crap. I didn't mean to scare her.

   "Ah I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."

    "Ah no it's okay. I didn't see you when I came in. I thought I was the only one back here." She says rubbing her head.

   "I was trying to take a quick nap. But I heard you talking so I was curious." Yoongi quickly makes his way to the seat next to her. "Ah I'm Min Yoongi by the way."

    Crap! I didn't mean to say that! What if she freaks out? Wait will she know who I am? Do I want her to know who I am...can she know who I am...but-

"Its a pleasure to met you, Mr. Min Yoongi." Ah...she doesn't know...I should be happy right?

  "Just Min Yoongi or Yoongi is fine." Yoongi says faking a yawn hoping she doesn't notice his disappointment.


   "Your Korean is really good Ms. M.B. It almost sounds natural. Where did you study?" Haneul asks.

  "Ah I love learning a languages. Always have since I was little. Im from a small town so there aren't a lot of opportunities to learn. But since enlisting into the military I had an opportunity to become a linguist and get certified in so many languages. Which is great because it's my passion." As she continues to talk with excitement in her voice, Yoongi notices the sparkle in her eyes. He can see how passionate she was. He liked that. He respected it.

     "Ah crap. I'm so sorry! I get a little too excited when I start talking about it."


    "No don't apologize about something you are passionate about. It's your passion. It's apart of who you are. So never apologize for that. Alright?"

     Her eyes are so pretty. What color is that? Green hazel?

  "Okay!" She smiles at Yoongi making his heart skip a beat.

  Heart are you okay? It's way too early for you to be acting up.


    "Oh you can drop me off at the corner. You don't have to take me all the way to the entrance." Yoongi hides his face hoping she doesn't notice his displeasure.

     "Are you sure? It's not a problem." Haneul asks.

     "Yes. I wouldn't want anyone to recognize Yoongi and get the wrong idea or anything."


     "Wait. You know I'm from BTS?"

    "Of course. You guys are my favorite group."

    "Wow. I honestly don't know why I'm surprised." Dang she knew. Ha she actually f***ing knew. "You sure hid it very well."

    "Well I mean at the end of the day, you are just a regular guy.  No matter how much money you make, what you wear, or your job. You work so much as is and I'm certain you're exhausted. So why would I make it harder on you by fangirling, screaming and whatnot. I would prefer you to be calm, relaxed, and be you. Instead of having to put on some kind of mask hiding yourself like you would in front of the cameras." Yoongi's heart skips another beat.

     This girl. She's different. I like that.

     Haneul opens the door for Y/n.

     "Ah before I forget." Y/n turns to face Yoongi. "Thank you for talking to me. You could've stayed hidden but you didn't. So thank you." She smiles.

    And with that she was gone. Placing a hand over his rapidly beating heart, he watches as she walks away.

    "Are you okay Yoongi?"


Do I...did I...with her? No, can't be. Can it? Is this the feeling of ...love at first sight? Nah that doesn't actually happen. I mean how can you fall in love with someone at first sight without knowing the person? My hearts probably confused...but what if? Ughhh I need to know for sure. But I have no way of talking to her now. Yoongi ruffles his hair out of frustration.

    "Well I guess I can throw this away now. Since my debt is paid." Haneul says holding a small card in his hand.


    "What's that?" The driver asks.

    "Ah this is Ms. M.B 's business card. She gave it to me in case my arm was broken or bruised." Yoongi quickly snaps his face towards Haneul's hand.

That's it! This must really be fate.

    "Hey can I see that?" Yoongi asks keeping his eyes on the card.

    "Um sure. Here"

   Yoongi nods as he grabs the card. There it is. He smiles to himself.

   "Is something wrong?"

   "Huh? Ah no. Just wanted to make sure of something." He says handing it back to him.

   Pulling out his phone, Yoongi quickly adds her number to his contacts.

   I need to confirm that what I'm feeling is not fake. I need to meet her again. I need to figure this out and I have an idea how. I just hope she says yes...

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