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Chapter three

     "Ladies and gentleman welcome to South Korea. The time now is 1:58pm with cloudy skies. To those who are coming for vacation I recommend visiting one of our local Korean bbq places. And if you are coming back home, may I be the first to say welcome home." The pilot says over the intercom as we prepare to land.

    I quickly looked out the window to see the city beneath the clouds. It felt like a whole new world. Ugh I'm excited!

     "Ladies and gentleman we are officially descending. Please make sure your trays are closed and you seat belts are on." The pilot said pulling you out of your thoughts.

    Here we go!
    "Thank you for choosing Korean Air. Have a great day everyone."
     Im here! I'm finally here! I grab my duffel bag from the carry on compartment above my seat and make my way down the aisle. As I pass by the flight attendants, I made sure to thank the one who gave me the tea. It helped.
     As I passed her I noticed that no one in first class has left the plane yet. The curtain was still closed. Maybe they're waiting for us to leave the plane first? Oh well. Shrugging my shoulders I make my way out and towards the baggage claim.

** 20 minutes later **

    Please don't tell me my luggage was lost...It was one long, very long flight. There's no way my luggage was lost on one flight! I look around as I watch everyone grabbing their things meanwhile I am just here...waiting... *Sigh*

     "Excuse me, sir. Um my luggage has yet to show up. Is there a possibility that my stuff was lost?" I asked a near by worker.

     "Is it from flight 246?" I nod. "Oh don't worry ma'am. If it has not shown up with the economic class then it has most likely been placed with the first class luggage. So give it about a minute and you should see it soon." He says smiling.

     "Ah thank you very much!" I smile widely at him.

     Goodness I would've honestly cried. First the panic attack and now my lost luggage. Yeah I would've cried out of frustration... Goodness. But oh well I shouldn't think about it too much. Things happen. It's natural... Might as well let everyone know I'm alive and well. Wait, what time is it over there? 1:30 in the morning...yeah CM will kill me if I called him. So I'll just send him a quick text. But mom is always awake. And my best friend never sleeps so I'll call her now then mom.

               MESSAGE FROM "CM"
CM🤺: I'm glad you made it safely. Also don't forget to contact SMsgt (Senior Master Sergeant) Willis so he can meet you at the entrance of the base. He's in charge of getting you settled in.

Me:  🙆🏻‍♀️

Alright let's call Jill!


    "Or not?" Guess she must be busy or her phone died...again. Shaking my head I look up to see my luggage coming down the conveyer belt. Finally! I quickly grab my suitcases and place the smaller one on top of the bigger one to make it easier to drag. Then the hairs on the back of my neck stand up again and I quickly spun around dodging a tall figure who was behind me.

     "Oh I am so sorry," I quickly say to the figure in front of me. He looked at me a bit shocked but then he simply nodded his head and walks away.

      "Woah close one." I've never been so happy to have such high reflexes before in my life. It comes in handy for sure. I hope I didn't scare him too bad. He looked a bit pale. I turn back to the figure and the group with him and couldn't help but feel like I have seen them somewhere before.

      I shrug and make my way out.
     "Hi ma. I have officially arrived."

    "Hay mi nena. I'm so happy you made it safely. Gracias al Señor (thank the Lord). What time is it over there? Have you made it to you place yet? Is someone going to pick you up? Was there any turbulence? Hay mija I couldn't do that long flight. Me hubiera muerto de los nervios (I would've died from my nerves)."

    "It's currently 2:45pm here. I have not made it to my place yet. No one is picking me up. They are going to wait for me on base and I will be taking a taxi. Also there was no turbulence. It was a really nice flight."

    "Ok. But call me after you make it on base. I love you~~"

    "I love you too ma. Bye." Hanging up the phone, I look around the airport. Wow I'm actually here, huh.

    The doors behind me open as people make their out. Crap I should probably walk and not stand in people's way. Speaking of which I should try and figure out where the heck I'm suppose to go from here.

    Walking along the rope line, I spot an airport map stand. Um let's see... I guess I'm here. I just need to get to wherever the taxis would be... You know you would think this would be easy knowing Korean and all but...WHY am I having so many issues with this!? I mean it's not my first time flying so I should be able to figure out where I need to go right?? Screw it, I'm just going to walk through a door and see where it takes me...

     Walking backwards from the stand, my hairs stand up again and I feel something rush towards me. I quickly drop my bags, turn and flip the man's arm behind his back and slam him into the ground.

      "Oh shoot!! I am so so so sorry!!" I say as I quickly let go. "Are you okay?" I quickly help him up. "I didn't mean to do that! It was out of habit!" I panicked. "I was just trying to figure out how to find the exit! And you came out of nowhere! I didn't realize you were so close to me! And then...then," I became frantic at this point.

      "Ouch! Oh dear. It's okay. I'm fine." He says as he stands back up. "It's my fault. I thought you were trying to get close to the members." He says as he tries to stretch his arm checking to see if anything was broken while rubbing his face.

     I look behind him to find a shocked man in all black staring at us. He was the one I almost rammed into earlier. Wait...members? I look ahead of him to see the rest of the group leaving with their guards and staff members. Then it hit me. These guys...we're they... were they BTS?! Ah s***. I screwed up.

SMsgt -> Senior Master Sergeant

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