Be calm

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Chapter Five

Alright Y/n. Keep calm okay. There's no reason to freak out. He is just another guy on this earth. Just a really handsome guy...s***.

"Its a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Min Yoongi." I finally manage to say.

"Just Min Yoongi or Yoongi is fine." He says as he yawns and leans against the window looking at me. "How long have you been in the military?"

"Oh um about four years now."

"Wow that's not bad. What branch are you in?" Haneul asks from the front.

"Air Force." They both nodded.

"That's pretty cool." Yoongi says.

"Your Korean is really good Ms. M.B. It almost sounds natural. Where did you study?" Haneul asks.

"Ah I love learning languages. Always have since I was little. I'm from a small town so there weren't a lot of opportunities to learn. But since enlisting into the military I was given an opportunity to become a linguist and get certified in however many languages. Which is great because it's my passion. Ah crap. I'm so sorry I get a little too excited when I start talking." I lower my gaze.

"No, don't apologize about something you are passionate about." Yoongi says as he straightens up and looks me straight in the eyes. "It's your passion. It's apart of who you are. So never apologize for that. Alright?"

Staring into his eyes for a few seconds, I smiled.


How do I explain this? This man makes me feel safe. Warm even? He makes me feel at ease. Even with Carter and Jill, I don't think I've ever felt so calm and safe with someone before. He feels different.

After talking for about 10 more minutes, Haneul let's them know we were almost there.

"Oh you can drop me off at the corner. You don't have to take me all the way to the entrance."

"Are you sure? It's not a problem." Haneul questions.

"Yep. I wouldn't want anyone to recognize Yoongi and get the wrong idea or anything." I quickly gather my things.

I would hate for a sasaeng to think I'm stealing their precious Min Suga away from them. I don't want to end up on the next missing person poster. They are honestly pretty scary. And I wouldn't want them to do anything that could hurt him or the rest of the group. I'm not anyone special.

"Wait...You know I'm from BTS?"

"Of course. You guys are my favorite group."

"Wow. I honestly don't know why I'm surprised." He chuckles in shock. "You sure hid it well."

"Well I mean at the end of the day, you are just a regular guy. No matter how much money you make, what you wear, or your job. You work so much as is and I'm pretty sure you're exhausted. So why would I make it harder for you by fangirling, screaming and whatnot. I would prefer you to be calm, relaxed, and be you. Instead of having to put on some kind of mask hiding yourself like you would in front of the cameras." I say meeting his eyes. Those precious brown eyes.

After just staring at each other for a few seconds, the car comes to a stop. Haneul quickly opens the door helping me out.

"Ah before I forget." Turning to face Yoongi one more time trying to salvage that warm feeling, "thank you for talking to me. You could've stayed hidden but you didn't. So thank you." I smiled and closed the door.

"It was honestly a pleasure to meet you Ms. M.B." Haneul says with a smile handing over the luggage.

"Aw please just M.B is fine Haneul. Ah but seriously let me know if your arm is injured in any way. Even if it's just a huge bruise. I feel really bad." He laughs and nods his head.

Waving goodbye, I head towards the entrance.

Crap I forgot about Willis!

"Well it's about d*** time M.B!" Looking up I see a 5'8 middle age man in uniform with his arms crossed smiling.

Wait. Did he just bring his platoon with him? Why??

Noticing my confusion, he laughs.

"I thought you were probably too busy carrying the whole west coast over here, to make a phone call. So I brought some help." He says laughing.

"I don't think that was necessary but I appreciate it." Embarrassment filled my face.

"I would be lying if I said everyone gets this treatment. Carter scares the s*** out of me. And if he knew I didn't treat his niece right?! Nope I might as well start digging my own grave now. Goodness I'm older than him by 5 years but the little bastard still scares me." He says laughing. "Now let's go. I have a whole base tour I need to give you." Following along side him, I take a quick glance back towards the van.

Today was just full of surprises. I know I'm never going to meet Yoongi again and I'm okay with that. I'm fine with what I was given. Yeah... I'm okay with that...

...Is it bad that a part of me hopes he doesn't forget me? Even though I'm pretty sure he will... But...I would like to think I made a good enough first impression. Even if it was embarrassing...or scary...


Yoongi's POV

"Are you okay Yoongi?"

"Yeah..." Yoongi says as he places his hand over his heart watching as M.B. met her entourage. "I'm fine..."

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