Chapter 06

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    Please, please, please let me go!

    "No." Dad answered.

    "W-why can't I?"

    "You need to focus on your studies. Going out might make you more care-free and lazy." He replied monotonously. Okay, how'd he get that from going out for one night?

    "No, Dad, it's okay. It's just one night and besides I could catch up with my homework later. Please let me go."


    "But Dad! Please! I finally get friends and they wanna hang out with me! Just let me go! I could do my homework on Sunday! Dad plea-"

    "I said you can't go. End of conversation." Dad sounded like he was about to yell. I stopped talking, not wanting to annoy him. My Dad could get pretty unpredictable when he's angry.

    "Uhmn..Dad? Could I go out Saturday night." Kent asked after some time.

    "Where and with who?" Dad asked back.

    "My friends and party at Toby's." Kent was waiting for his answer.

    Please. Say no. Say no. You have got to say -

    "Go ahead."

    What!? Oh my...Oh gosh I could just...Ugh! I'm so mad!! Words can't even describe how mad I am, I swear.

    Anger flowed through my whole body. Always give anything to that little - correction, big dumb jerk. What do I get? Oh, just nothing.

    After dinner I stormed into my room and slammed the door with strong force. No. No. No more goody-two-shoes. No Ms. Obey - always follows the rules. This time, oh this time, it's going to be different.


2:30 PM @ Home

    "Okay, we're leaving now. We might not be back until later around midnight." Mom declared. "Now, you know the rules, so I'm not saying them again."

    Mom's rules were usually; don’t let the house catch on fire. No parties. You know, stuff parents always say.

    "Bye." She waved goodbye and stepped out of the house.

    Dad was already in his car getting ready to leave. Mom was taking the other car. They both had meetings, conferences, business stuff. This just made my plan way easy.

    Not even after ten minutes since our parents left, Kent was heading out the door, as well.

    "Where ya goin'?" I asked him, looking up from the fashion magazine I'd been reading.

    "Toby's as always."

    "I thought party doesn't start until later this afternoon?"

    "Yeah, it doesn't. But Mom and Dad are gone, I'm stuck with you here, nothing to do, so I'm goin' to his place."

    "Okay, bye."

    A few minutes later, I heard his motorcycle's engine start. Did I forget to mention that? He got a motorcycle for Christmas last year while I got a calculator. A calculator! The sound of his motorcycle speeding away faded as the seconds passed.

Am I the only one in my family with no ride for myself?

3: 27 PM @ Home Alone

    Ring. Ring. Ring.

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