Chapter 09

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    After debating with myself for what seemed like hours, I chose Friday.

     Wait 'till they see me.

     A smirk appeared on my lips as I thought of the stupid Barbie crew bowing down before me, chanting, "We are not worthy."

    It may not come true but hey, a girl could dream.

    Now, time for ice cream!


@Northern Light High School

    “What the he**“

    “Oh my f*****g God.”


     As I entered the school, the hallway was drowned with “Woah”s, “Wow”s, and a lot of “Oh My Gosh”s and a whole lot of swearing, but in a complimenting way. I hope.

     I strutted down the hallway, something I’ve never done before but luckily accomplished the night before with the help of the internet. As I did, all of the students’ eyes were locked on me. With every step, the sound of my heels echoed through the halls.

     Everything was silent. Too silent that it started to get awkward. I tried to keep a cool face on but had a hard time doing so. I mean, why wouldn't I? Kids are staring at me and they're not laughing at me. I've never experienced this much attention - in this different way. I was used to the attention they gave me when they were teasing me or making fun of me but this kind of attention is just...different. It would probably take me some time to get used to.

     When I passed the students, I felt like students were following me. I caught a glance of my reflection in one of the class window. Students were indeed following me as I walked past them...and they’re gaping at me in a really creepy-weird way. Also, I could hear them whispering things while looking at me back and forth. I caught glances of myself and the students again. Luckily, it didn't seem like more people were following me.

     This kept going on until I reached Xander at his locker.

    I slowly crept up behind him. I covered his eyes with my hands and sang "Guess who."

    "I don't know. Who?" I saw his lips form into a smile.

    "I told you guess."

    "Okay. Venus?"


     "Yup." He replied, popping the 'p'.


     I removed my hands from his eyes and allowed him to turn and face me. When he did face me, shock was written all over his face. He stepped back to fully face me. His mouth was still hanging open.



     "Wh-What happened to you? You look..." He gave me the elevator look, probably checking out my outfit. I had worn a pink, white and black dress along with black three inch heels. My brown wavy hair was in loose curls. I think Xander had given me three elevator looks before finishing off by saying "Different."

    "Is it good different or bad different?" I bit my lip and stared up at him, waiting for his reply.

     "Good way, of course." He gorgeously smiled at me. I smiled shyly and felt myself blushing. Darn these cheeks!

   “Why did you…change?”

     “Why, you don’t like it?” I suddenly started worrying. What if he didn’t like it? He’s the only reason I did this.

     “No, no, no. Don’t get me wrong, you look amazing but…Why?”

     “Well…” There was no way I was going to tell him it was all for him. Excuse, excuse! “Oh, nothing, I just thought it was time for a change.”


     He smiled at me once again.

     The bell went off and the people around us, watching, ran along to get to their class. I couldn’t help but smirk like never before when I saw head Barbie staring at Xander and I.

     “I’ll see you later, Xander.”

     “You, too.”

     Before turning to leave, Xander gave me his signature salute. I watched him leave until he reached the corner.

     I snapped out of my fantasy and ran to my first class before I got in trouble for being late.

Lunch @ Northern Light High School

     “O-m-g!!” Jenny squealed when she caught sight of me. “You look so fab!!” She ran to me and gave me a hug.

     “Thanks, Jenny.”

     Jenny released me from her grip and smiled at me hugely.

     Behind Jenny, then came Monica and Maia with surprised, happy expressions plastered onto their faces.

     “Venus! You look…Wow!” Maia screamed.

     “Yeah, you look great! Okay, not great. Great would be an understatement.” Monica said.


     "Hey guys! What's-Whoa!" Ace looked like he was completely stunned. "Venus?!"


     "Wow, you look wonderful."

    I felt myself slightly blush. "Th-thanks."

     "Yo! Wassup my homies!?" Wyatt came jumping out of nowhere. He noticed my new look and, as usual, started acting like...Wyatt. "Yo! Venus, man! You look fine!" He bellowed in an amusing tone.

     Instead of a blush, I rolled my eyes at Wyatt. Typical, naive Wyatt.

     "Hi," Xander joined our little group. "What are you guys doing standing here? Let's go sit at a table."

    We walked to an available table, big enough for us, and took our seats. To my right sat crazy Maia, and to my left sat my prince charming.

    Being the clean freak I am, I excused myself and headed for the ladies’ room to wash my hands.  I entered the washroom and cleaned my hands. As I was, Justine came out from one of the stalls and started washing her hands, too.  I dried my hands and started fixing my hair.

    “You did this for Xander didn’t you?” Justine asks out of nowhere.

    “What?” I replied shockingly.

    I looked at her and she looked back at me. I turned back to the mirror awkwardly.

    “You did this whole change thing for him, right?” I could feel her looking at me. I didn’t answer her question and pretended I didn’t hear her. “I guess that’s a yes.”

    Awkward silence filled the atmosphere.

    “Stay away from him.” Justine said in a cold voice, breaking the ice.


    “Stay away from Xander.”


    “It’s for your own good. Just stay away from him.”

    Justine left the washroom, leaving me alone.

    I thought about what she said over and over again. An accusation popped in my mind. As I thought over it more, the more it looked so.

    Justine was out to get me.

Author: Luckily, I finished the chappie tonight! I hope you like this chapter. It may be short on Wattpad though. It was like..four pages on Word? Sorry it's short! I'll upload again ASAP! Don't worry, the farther I get into the story, the better it'll become! Vote, comment, fan, etc. Thank you so much to everyone out there supporting me!! Ai lab yuu ol!!!!XoOXoxOOXoxoxXO

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