Chapter 6

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Louise has been trying to talk to me all day, making up excuses to come into my office and going for coffee at the same times I did. I've been trying to avoid her as best as I could, busying myself with work and just outright telling her to leave but I can't possibly avoid her forever, and Joane is already growing suspicious.

"Can we talk now?" she says, the very moment I open my door to leave for lunch. Of course, she'd take this opportunity, how naive of me.

She's leaned on the frame of the door, completely blocking my only exit, arms crossed at her chest but she doesn't seem angry or sad.

"Stop following me everywhere, it's creepy. And we have nothing to talk about."

"I think we do though."

There are still some people around the office, I'd rather not have this conversation in the hallway where people— mainly Joane, can hear us. But I'm not having lunch with her either.

"Just come in," I sigh, stepping aside so she could step inside my office, closing the door the moment she does. "Louise, I'm not interested—"

"I think you are, actually."

"That's very presumptuous of you."

"You're denying the very obvious."

"What is it that is obvious, exactly?" I cross my arms to keep them from strangling her.

"That I make you feel things you probably wish you didn't feel."

"Good call, I feel anger and I shouldn't be wishing to punch my intern," I say sarcastically but she seems unfazed.

"That's kinky."

"You are..." I breathe in trying to contain the anger and the incredible pull I'm feeling to throw her out of the nearest window. "Despicable."

She smirks and I swear the pull to throw her down the 10th floor duplicated. "And you are pretty hot, Ms. Agassi."

And now it has tripled.

"You're fired," I say through gritted teeth but it only seemed to amuse her more.

"Can you actually do that?" she asks unfazed.

I'm taken aback by her confidence but I don't let her see it. "And why wouldn't I exactly? I don't care who put you here, at the end of the day, I'm the one in charge of you."

She simply smiles. So one of my suspicions might be true, she must be a relative of a superior official. She leaves after not getting a reaction out of me, like I give a damn.

"Who is Louise Bouvet?" I ask, stopping in front of Joane's desk.

"Jeez, I thought you came here to ask me for lunch," she jokes.

"I'm being serious."

"She's our new intern, the one you've been lusting over—"


"What do you want me to tell you exactly?"

"Who is she related to? How did she get here?" I say gesturing with my hands.

"You don't know?"

"I don't know what?" I groan, getting more and more frustrated by the second.

"First of all, there's this thing called the Internet. Why are you asking me?"

"You're my secretary, Joane. This is something you should have told me, it's your job for G-d's sake."

"Well, I thought it was obvious she's Mr. Arquette's granddaughter. I mean, they both have french last names and everything, trés chic, don't you think?" she starts rambing.

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