Chapter 19

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Cuddling in bed has never really been my thing, sure I'd do it, especially after sex but I certainly wasn't expecting to wake up cuddled up to none other than my annoying intern, the one I've sworn I'd never get involved with — Louise Bouvet — and we didn't even have sex, atrocious.

She lets out a small groan in her sleep as I carefully slide out of her embrace. I'm not quite so sure as to what I'm about to do, leave? I can't help but think that might be a bad idea considering the conversation we had just a few hours ago.

I sigh, laying back down, taking a moment to really look at her sleeping figure. There is absolutely no doubt that she's incredibly beautiful, and for some reason, also fragile which greatly contrasts with her usual tough attitude.

"I can feel you staring at me, cute," she mumbles, eyes still closed.

"I thought you'd never wake up, have you seen how late it is?" I finally sit up as I feel my blood rushing up to my face, how embarrassing. "Lazy ass."

"It's the weekend," she groans, stretching her body before grabbing her phone and looking at the time. "What do you mean with 'have you seen how late it is?' it's 9 AM on a weekend, we've slept for like 3 hours."

"Your math is really bad, Louise."

"Well, it definitely feels like I've only slept for 3 hours," she smirks, pulling by my arm, making me fall on top of her. "Good morning kiss? I don't mind morning breath but I promise I won't throw tongue at you."

Morning breath doesn't exactly bother me either, as long as the other person brushes their teeth before going to bed, that's an important detail. I didn't, and as much as I believe my mouth care is pretty good, I'd rather just not but before I could so much as say anything her lips are already pressed on mine, she doesn't attempt to deepen the kiss, keeping it chaste.

"You think too much."

"I'm sure I do the right amount of thinking, you just happen to not do it at all."

"I know insulting me left and right is your love language but ouch?" she chuckles, giving me another kiss, this one a bit longer.

"Good to see you've fully woken up."

"Yeah, nope," she says playfully before rolling in bed, giving me her back as she covers herself back up head to toe with her blanket.

"Get up, you're such a kid," I groan as I try to push the blanket away.

"Yup, I'm a kid and I love my daily 9 hours of sleep."

"Alright then, I'll go grab breakfast by myself," I raise my eyebrows even though she's not able to see me.

She slowly lowers the blanket, revealing only her eyes. "Are you trying to bribe me with food?"

"No, I'm hungry like most people in the morning."

"Bring me a buttered croissant, will you?"

"I'm sorry?"

"I've always wanted to be served breakfast in bed, you know?"

I stare at her for what seems like a whole minute before getting up and picking up my heels. "Where is your shame?"

"And a latte, please. The key is hanging beside the door," she says before covering herself back up.

"You must be crazy if you think I'm coming back."

"I know you will."

"Tell me I'm not the only one that thinks this is stupid," I groan as I look through Caleb's proposals to the magazine. "What does he even know about what women are into, he's even gay for goodness sake, and not the feminine type of gay either, we're talking masc gay which only makes it worse."

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