Chapter 13

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It took me a few minutes to process what happened and for the pain to subside. "Lord, that's a heavy hand," I groan as I press a cold soda can from my minifridge against my cheek. You really shouldn't mess with a woman who has children, they really know how to make that one hit hurt.

I sigh, resting the can on my table, the stinging sensation coming back the moment I take the can away from my cheek but I'm tired of holding it. I should apologize to her, not because I'm in the wrong but because I can't afford to have Joane on my bad side, she's my secretary after all — and yeah, fine, she's also my friend and I care for her and blah blah blah, but that part is sort of irrelevant.

I didn't have the courage to approach her at work but I know that sooner or later I'd have to, and honestly, I'd rather get over it as soon as possible. She had already left when I came out of my office but that was to be expected — what wasn't expected, however, was to see Louise waiting for me near my car.

I'm pretty sure she noticed my bad mood as I walked toward her, and I can tell she regrets every decision that led her to be standing there. "Look, my car is still not ready," she furrows her eyebrows.

"Just get inside the car," I groan, not wanting to extend this situation any further, I'll just drop her off at her house and deal with Joane right after.

"Seriously?" she asks, standing there confused as I open the door and sit down in front of the steering wheel.

"Hurry up, dumbass."

"Wow, thanks," she says, sitting hastily next to me. I don't say anything, I can't fall for her antics again, at least not today. "... About yesterday—"

"No," I raise my hand, silencing her. "Actually, yes— How old are you? 16?"


"You left a hickey on my neck," I say, taking my eyes out of the road to glare at her. "Are you stupid?"

"I don't see anything," she says, analyzing my neck. "And ouch, slow down with the insults, I have nothing to do with whatever you're mad at... unless you're mad at me, but then why would you drive me home, right?"

"I obviously covered it up," I sigh, trying not to dump all my frustration on her, even though she's one of them.

"So, other than the hickey, you're not mad at me for yesterday?" she asks, making me want to swerve the car into ongoing traffic just to avoid having to answer that.

"... Shut up, Louise."

"So you're not."

"Do I need to repeat myself?"

"You liked it."

"I'll kick you out of my car."

"If you happen to want to do it again, I'm up for it," She says, raising her eyebrows. "I promise I'll be mindful about your neck this time around though."

I abruptly stop the car and luckily there aren't any cars behind us, as for Louise, she's also lucky that her house is just at the end of the street. "Get out."

"Jeez, you weren't joking," she chuckles but I simply squint my eyes back at her. "Alright, I'll go but Claire and I are heading up to the Velvet club, they have poll tables so show up later on tonight when you're done resolving whatever has put you in such a sour mood — I'll let you kick my ass up again."

"Isn't Claire a minor? What kind of older sister are you?"

"The cool one," she smirks.

"I'll, unfortunately, have to pass up on it," I say sarcastically. "Tomorrow is a workday Louise, I don't want to see you late."

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