Chapter 31

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I wake up to a wet feeling on my cheek and an obnoxious noise in my ear, opening my eyes to see my cat licking my face and staring at me with its big eyes, her paw pushing my hand to wake me up. I sigh, moving my head to look at the empty spot beside me, running my hand through my hair as I get up. She meows after me as I go to the kitchen. "Yeah, yeah. I'll feed you soon... not like you need it anyway," I groan, seeing her bowl full.

I lean on the kitchen counter, rubbing my face as I try to think what I'm supposed to do today, when did things become so complicated? And when did I start to care about anyone other than myself?

"You look grumpy, want me to give you a smile?" Louise's voice comes from behind me. "Because I can give you one of mine," she says, resting her chin on my shoulder. "I gave her food but I guess she really just wanted you to get up."

"How did you wake up earlier than me?" I ask, turning around to look at her.

"Well, you were snoring so loudly, I thought a bear had gotten inside the room," she says, wrapping her arms around my neck and kissing my cheek, the same spot Blackie was just licking. "Also, your cat was trying to eat my face."

"You think you're funny? I don't snore," I groan, trying to push her away but to no avail.

"I think it's cute," she says, placing kisses on my neck and pulling me closer.

"You think everything is cute, what do you want?" I ask, trying not to give into her charms.

"Why must you always assume I want something? Can't I just enjoy your company?" she asks, finally letting go of me, and leaning on the counter instead.

"You can, but I know you well enough to know there's something else," I say, giving her a stern look.

She gives me a long look before breaking into a smile. "Can we go out for dinner next weekend?" she asks, and I frown, taken aback by her question.

"Yeah... Sure."

"It's just, I heard a new restaurant is going to open up downtown and I want to go try it... With you," she adds the last part when she notices the look on my face.

"I can't imagine how hard that was for you to say," I deadpan, grabbing a cup from the cabinet. "Coffee?"

"Sure... so, next weekend?" she asks, watching me carefully as I prepare the coffee maker.

"I already said yes, didn't I?"

"Right, you did."

"Idiot," I murmur, putting the cup down in front of her, before leaning against the counter again.

She takes a sip of the coffee, grimacing as she does so. "This is horrible."

"Then make it yourself."

"You asked if I wanted it, I was trying to be nice."

"And I'm trying to enjoy my early morning coffee, and you're ruining it for me," I say, throwing 3 packets of sugar her way. Before her constant presence in the house, I couldn't imagine having these around but now I seem to always unconsciously grab them every time I go grocery shopping.

"You're always so grumpy in the morning," she mutters, opening the packets of sugar and throwing them all in her coffee.

"Well, you're always so chirpy in the morning, for someone that hates getting up early," I say, looking at her over my cup.

"Well, one of us has to be the bright side of our relationship."

I choke on my coffee, trying not to spill it all over me. "Our what?"

Rule No. 1: No Romance (GirlxGirl WlW)Where stories live. Discover now