Chapter 1

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"Louise Bouvet," I read the name of the new intern from the note that was left, unannounced, on my desk. The fact that no one let me, the director of the marketing department, know that we would have a new intern is still completely beyond my comprehension. And on a Friday? Cruel.

Also, the fact I had no say whatsoever in this decision doesn't do wonders for my ego.

To top things off, she's late.

I look down at the clock on my computer for the fifth time, about 10 minutes past 9.

I tap my fingernails impatiently on my desk. I didn't see this girl yet, and she's already getting on my nerves. And even though, the reason I'm irritated is not completely her fault, it's hard not to associate it with her.

I take a deep breath as I hear 3 knocks on my door.

"Come in," I say a little too loud, maybe I'm a little too mad.

She didn't waste much time, she hastily opens the door and lets it close by itself causing a loud thud. "Sorry for the tardiness, Ms," she says lazily as she walks up to my desk in the middle of the room, I squint my eyes at her but she doesn't get the hint, she simply lets herself fall in one of the chairs in front of me.

A button-up and jeans, she isn't severely badly dressed, but I would think any normal person would put at least some effort into their first-day attire. Light hair, greenish eyes, she has an overall pretty face.

"Ms. Bouvet," I clear my throat. "You're late for your first day, how come?"

"Oh, I'm new here, you know, I'm still learning to get around the city," she says, a small smile playing on her lips.

"I see, I hope this isn't a reoccurring thing," I say, raising one eyebrow at her, waiting for some kind of confirmation.

"Of course, Ms..."


"Ms. Agassi, such a beautiful name, where is it from?"

I simply pick up my phone and dial my secretary's number. "Joane, can you show the new intern around, please?" I ask in an unintentional impatient tone the moment she picks up. "Assign her to John, he'll know what to do with her."

"Of course, Ms. Agassi," she answers quickly, no questions added.

"You can wait outside," I say after putting the phone down.

"Well, that's unfortunate, I thought you'd be showing me around," she raises an eyebrow. "Aren't you the boss of this department or something?"

"That's correct and that's exactly the reason I don't have the time to show you around, now please," I say nodding to the door, seeing Joane was already there waiting for Louise.

"I was hoping we would spend more time together," she sighs in quite a sarcastic way as she walks away. "Oh well, I won't waste more of your very busy time."

After Louise left my office I had no time to think much about the situation, our company had just signed an important contract to merge with another well-known Magazine Publication House and all the sectors were loaded with work.

This isn't the time to babysit interns and annoying ones at that.

It was around 3 pm when curiosity got the best of me and I forced myself to check on how she was doing. I'm calmer now and maybe, just maybe I might have been too tough on her. It's only her first day after all.

Or maybe I spoke too soon.

I didn't need to walk up to the worker's area to find her. She was already right there in front of my office, or better yet, in front of my secretary's desk.

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