Chapter 9

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I tap my pen furiously on the table as I impatiently wait for John's name to show up on the attendance list on my computer. Work hours only officially start in about 10 minutes but if my memory is correct, John usually comes earlier than everyone, sometimes earlier than me — so I'm pretty sure Louise must have confronted him first, and he now knows he's in trouble for that big mouth of his.

So much so that his name only shows up a minute before 9, I was hoping to get this over with before work hours, in any other circumstance I'd let it slip for after-work — especially given this is a non-work-related issue but I'm pretty sure he'll do everything in his power to get away with it. I get up from my chair quickly making my way into the workers' area, and I can see by his expression that he thought he'd get away with it.

"John, come with me, please," I say simply, not waiting for any follow-up but he's quick to follow me into my office with no questions added.

"I didn't think she'd take it seriously," John says defensively, the moment he closed the door behind him.

"Oh?" I wasn't expecting him to start that conversation right away, normally people will pretend they don't know what you're talking about until there's no other option but to admit — or lie.

"I just said it as a joke."

"And how exactly did that conversation begin?" I ask, sitting back on my chair and crossing my arms.

"Louise wanted to know all about you, she asked a lot of questions, I just saw that she looked interested in you and I jokingly told her she wouldn't have a chance because..."


"... You were probably having an affair with Joane."

"You see John, nobody likes to have their personal life exposed to strangers, whether true or as a joke, don't you agree?"


"Absolutely," I mimicked him before he could attach an excuse to it.

"I'm extremely sorry, it won't be repeated," he says, standing in front of my desk with a comically straight and inert pose, both hands behind his back.

"I hope you're not crossing your fingers behind your back, John," I joke, unaltering my tone of voice.

At that, he quickly lets his arms fall, letting them awkwardly hang on both of his sides. "Nothing like that."

"Tell me, John. Who else did you tell this to?"

"No one else," he answers quickly.

I stare at him for a few seconds before nodding, I can tell he's not lying but you never really know. "Alright," I say simply, pulling out my laptop from my bag. He stayed immobile in front of me for a while until he got the hint that this was all, hurriedly leaving my office as if I was the big bad witch from Snow White. He's probably right.

I really should have left this for after work, now I've single-handedly ruined my whole day, possibly my whole week. I sigh, not really feeling like working today, maybe I should take a vacation, just me and Blackie. An exotic island would be nice, preferably one with no other human beings to interact with. Or maybe I should just retire at 29 and move into a mountain cabin.

The day dragged and dragged as if time knew all I wanted was to go home, the thought of vacation constantly making itself present in my mind, but that would be absurd given how much work we currently have.

"Esthy, hey," Joane says, joining me in the elevator. "Is everything ok? I noticed you sulking all day but you had such a scary face on, I didn't dare to ask."

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