In the Dark

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You and the other Avenger had spent most of the day wandering around the amusement park. Everyone made fun of Steve who got sick on a roller-coaster once. However after most of the Avengers got sick after a particularly bumpy ride, you and Steve spent the rest of the afternoon together.

The sun was slowly setting down and you only had time for one last ride. You looked around you and saw the haunted house ride.

"Wanna try that one?"

"A haunted house?" He replied, amused tone in his voice. "Are you tired?"

"A bit." You admitted with a small smile. He laughed as you walked towards the ride.

You were waiting in line when your phone rang. As soon as you answered, Natasha's voice filled your ear.

"Where are you? I can't stand these babies anymore." You could hear Tony and Clint arguing in the background. You told her where you were and she seemed relieved. "Great, we'll wait for you at the end of the ride."

After a while you reached the house and walked wearily with the other guests until you entered a room that was plunged into darkness. A soft green light showed you a path towards the carts.

Once you were inside the cart, it moved slowly around the house. The ominous music was blasting through the speakers as fake ghosts and other monsters tried to scare the guests.

"My bad, this ride is ridiculous." You said when a papier-mâché clown jumped out of a box. It was supposed to be frightening, but you both sighed, your facial expressions reflecting your boredom.

"Tis alright." Steve slumped into his seat and yawned, cupping a hand over his mouth.

Suddenly the cart made a funny noise and stopped moving completely. The room was silent, too silent and it made your heart beat faster.

You tried to look around you, but you couldn't see a thing, not even Steve. A large hand fell on your shoulder, making you jump before you screamed.

"It's okay, it's just me." Steve chuckled.

"What's going on?" You gasped before you heard someone make ghostly noises in the cart in front of yours.

"It's probably a power cut. I'm sure it's nothing." Steve smiled to reassure you, but you couldn't see his face.

You tried to move away from the edge of the cart, just in case someone would try to scare you like you see in those stupid hidden camera TV shows. In the dark, you couldn't gauge the distance and bumped against Steve's chest who couldn't help but chuckle. "You're afraid of the dark?"

"No, I'm afraid of the absence of light." You said, staring menacingly towards the edge of the cart.

"Please stay inside the cart. The power should be back on soon." A woman said as she moved between the carts to make sure no one was injured.

She appeared out of nowhere and scared the living daylights out of you. She pointed her flashlight at the ground, then angled it so that the beam was shining in front of you. You jumped closer to Steve who wasn't even trying to stifle his chuckle.

"Oh, shut up!" You narrowed your eyes at Steve. Your eyes slightly adjusted to the dark and you could discerned Steve's smiling face. "I can't believe you're laughing! I didn't make fun of you when you were terrified of the roller-coaster."

"I know, I'm sorry." He said between fits of laughter.

"I'll make you pay, Rogers." You tried to use your most intimidating tone, but the smile was evident in your voice. Steve made a fake noise of surprise in the back of his throat.

"I said I was sorry." He tried to calm his laughter and extended an arm to hug you. He ended up punching you in the face.

"Ouch!" You cried out when his knuckles collided with your nose.

It wasn't even a real punch and the sting was gone as fast as it appeared, but Steve practically threw himself at you, apologising profusely. You raised your head to tell him that you were fine and headbutted him hard.

For some reason, it made you laugh. You rubbed the sore spot on your forehead as his hands cupped your face. You laughed ever harder when you realised he could have unintentionally hurt you again.

"I'm so sorry, are you okay?" Steve asked, his voice etched with concern.

"Yes," Tears were starting to blur your eyes as you kept laughing heartily. This time he joined you, peals of laughter bounced off the dirty walls of the haunted house.

When you managed to calm down you noticed that his warm breath was tickling the corner of your mouth. His eyes were shining in the darkness. The butterflies in your stomach fluttered at the thought of his lips on your skin.

You wondered if it was the right time to reveal your feelings, but before you could think about it his lips found yours. You were a bit surprised, eyes opened wide before you relaxed and wrapped your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss.

He was gentle and you melted into his touch. You didn't notice that the power was restored, the room was still pretty much pitch dark. When the cart started to move you thought that your head was spinning and gripped Steve's shirt, feeling his heart beat fast under your fingers.

Steve groaned when the tip of your tongue swiped across his bottom lip. He loved the feeling of your soft lips on his, he could have spent the entire day kissing you. He hoped that this wasn't a onetime thing, the last five minutes had been more exhilarating than any theme park rides.

Through closed eyes, he saw a bright, white-yellow light. He paid very little attention to it. He was finally kissing the girl he liked and nothing else mattered.

Breathlessly, you pulled away and rested your forehead against his. A stupid, euphoric smile lingered on his lips.

That's when you noticed that the cart was moving and the ride was almost over. Steve kissed the small bump on your forehead and you chuckled, jumping out of the cart. You gave him a proper kiss before you both joined the team like nothing happened.

They were waiting in the room next to the ride, where goodies and pictures were sold. They were all gathering around Natasha, who had a piece of paper in her hands. She gave you her trademark smirk and you knew it meant trouble.

"Sorry, but we had to print this one." She said, holding a picture of you and Steve in the midst of a heated kiss.

Your eyes opened so wide you thought they would pop out of their sockets. She hovered the pictured in front of your face, teasing you as Clint puckered up and made kissing noises.

The light Steve saw while you were making out was a camera's flash. On the photo, two ridiculously fake vampires were about to attack you. However instead of looking scared or amused, you were passionately kissing Steve.

"What happened to your face?" Sam cringed when he saw the bruise on your forehead and your swollen nose.

You glanced at Steve before you both burst out laughing, brushing away the tears as they others looked at you completely baffled.

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