Cold Shower*

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It was one of those days when you suddenly decide to take a shower with your boyfriend. And it was one of those relationships that you hide from your friends.

It wasn't because of Steve, lord knows he was nothing but kind and considerate to you. Late at night, he would open his door and cross the corridor to your room on tiptoe. Somehow, he got a kick out of it. He loved the thrill of getting caught, he was a soldier pretending to be a spy.

The burning hot water poured down over you and steam started to fog the mirror. Your hands explored his chest as he kissed you long and slow; his tongue slid against yours, soft and warm. Drops of warm water trickled down your back, tickling your skin. You moaned when his hands pulled you tight against his hard crotch.

The tub was slippery under your feet. You wondered if a quickie in the shower was worth breaking a leg, but you should have known that quick wasn't part of Steve's vernacular.

He broke the kiss and combed his fingers through your slick hair, chuckling when you chased after his mouth. His fingers got caught in the mess that was now your wet, tangled hair. Slowly, he sat back on his haunches, his lips trailing down your stomach, sucking the droplets of water from your skin.

You pressed your hands up against the wall to steady yourself as Steve parted your folds and teased you with the tip of his tongue. He licked and sucked until he could feel your walls tighten around his fingers.

You lifted your foot over the edge of the tub, allowing him to go deeper and gazed down at him. He looked at you in the eye while suckling your clit with full pouting lips. The sight was too much for you to bear, you closed your eyes shut and came with a strangled moan.

He left open-mouthed kisses along the edge of your hipbone as his fingers worked you through your orgasm. When you opened your eyes again, he quickly rose to his feet and captured your lips in a searing kiss.

You moved to return the favour, but he stopped you. "I need to be inside you." He groaned, his face buried in the crook of your neck.

He lifted one of your legs and wrapped it around his waist. His arms circled around your torso, locking you into place as he aligned himself with your entrance. The blunt head of his cock nudged between your folds before he pushed his full length inside your pussy in a single, slow thrust.

"You're so fucking tight." He almost lost it when you tugged your bottom lip between your teeth.

He got lost in your eyes before your airy laugh pulled him out of his reverie. You smiled at each other as the warm water hit your shoulders. Steve built up a steady rhythm that made your mouth open in a silent gasp of pleasure.

Right after you came down from your second orgasm, the bathroom door opened and closed quickly. Steve grimaced when the sound forced him to stop, he had been so close to his own climax and you felt sorry for him.

"Steve, it's me. Mind if we talk?" Bucky asked.

Steve looked at you, his eyes were the size of saucers and you briefly wondered if yours were as wide.

"You didn't close the door?" You hissed under your breath.

"I thought I did." You hit him on the chest, it made a small splashy sound. "Your fault, you had your hand inside my boxers." He whispered back before he raised his voice, "Kind of in the middle of somethin', Buck. Can you wait?"

You heard Bucky sigh before he said, "I think I'm in love with Natasha."

There was a minute of complete silence before you whispered in Steve's ear. "It's okay, talk to him."

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