Sore Loser

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(this one has quotes from Friends)

On Friday nights, the Avengers usually stayed at the compound. Relaxation and procrastination were the watchwords of the night.

Bruce and Peter left to see Tony give a speech at the World Science Festival and the rest of the Avengers decided to have dinner together.

You took a seat next to Bucky at the kitchen table and mindlessly scrolled through projects on Pinterest while Sam and Wanda were making homemade pizzas. They both seemed to have fun, or at least they were before Bucky ate most of the toppings.

The commotion had prompted Natasha to turn up the volume on the TV. She, Rhodey and Steve were watching a documentary on the History Channel. They looked completely fascinated by the taffy puller and the way it stretched and folded the taffy on itself until it had its famous chewy texture.

Steve slung his arm over the back of the sofa and craned his neck to peer into the kitchen. He let out a sigh when Sam called Bucky a 'gluttonous bag of hair'. He took a deep breath to calm himself –or else he would have knocked their heads together- and got up from the sofa.

Natasha and Rhodey slapped his butt when he walked in front of the TV, blocking their view for only a second. As Steve entered the kitchen, Wanda looked up from her cookbook and smiled at him.

"Guys, I think we have a ping pong table in the garage," she reminded everyone and locked eyes with Steve in a silent plea to take Bucky somewhere else.

"I'm not playing with Steve," Bucky said as he chewed, flecks of Swiss cheese spraying out onto the table. This earned him another glare from Sam.

"Why not?" Wanda asked, frowning.

"He's crazy," Sam answered.

His comment pulled a laugh from you and Wanda. You placed your phone on the table and turned your head to look at Steve, your eyes sparkling with laughter when he crossed his arms like a petulant child.

"I'm not that bad," he retorted. "I like to win, so what?"

Sam scoffed. "Dude, you almost poked me in the eye with your cue stick when I beat you at pool!"

"You're exaggerating."

"Well, you'd know all about that, uh?"

As Steve opened his mouth to retort, you casually jumped into the conversation and left everyone speechless. The words hung in the air for a moment as the room fell silent. Even Natasha and Rhodey were staring at you, their documentary long forgotten.

"I'll play with you."

Sam cleared his throat. "Are you sure? He's the worst, don't say we haven't warned you."

You smirked at him. "I'll be alright."

Wordlessly, Steve followed you to the garage, the others in tow. Sure enough, the ping pong table was there, albeit a little too close to Tony's priceless cars and Steve's treasured bike.

You took a paddle and a tiny orange ball and waited for Steve to finish working the kinks out of his neck. And because Steve's a little shit, he took his sweet time doing it.

Show off.

Sam and Bucky stood close to the table while Wanda, Rhodey and Natasha decided to sit on the hood of Tony's Bentley.

"Ready?" you asked Steve once he'd picked up his paddle. "You wanna volley a bit for a serve?"


You served the ball and Steve returned it carefully. Sam and Bucky watched the ball move back and forth between you.

This polite, little game didn't last long and, as soon as you got the chance, you whacked the ball in the corner of the table. The orange ball resembling lighting as it flew past Steve.

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