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Steve was staring at you from across the ballroom. It was fairly obvious, his azure eyes shone bright and his lips curled up into a warm smile when you laughed. His heart was pounding in his chest, the sound echoed in his head.

"Talk to her."

Steve nearly jumped out of his skin when Natasha spoke to him, her lips twisted into a knowing smirk. He took a deep breath to regain his composure.

"Talk to her, Steve. You are driving everyone crazy." She sighed before her lips touched the cold champagne.

"What do you mean everyone?" He gave her a dirty look that Natasha dismissed with a shrug.

"Sam and I bet that you'd kiss her by the end of the night. Bucky said you were too chicken to do it." She grinned when Steve cursed softly under his breath.


"Sam! I'm wearing heels!"

He linked his arm through yours and led you toward the centre of the room. You almost bumped into a group of people who were drinking and talking about things that would have made your eyes roll. He stopped abruptly and let go of your arm.

"What are you doing?" You questioned, hands on your hips.

"It's a great spot to talk, don't you think?" He grinned. You narrowed your eyes and looked at him suspiciously. There was mischief in his eyes when he asked, "When are you going to ask Steve out, uh?"

"Sam, we talked about this already. He's my boss, my Captain...not my Captain, I-I mean- oh, don't look at me like that." You grumbled when he started to chuckle.


Sam gave Natasha a thumbs-up, everything was in place. You were exactly where you were supposed to be, and all she had to do was make Steve talk. An easy task for the Russian spy.

A whisper spot is an architectural oddity where someone can hear a conversation that is taking place across the room. If Natasha managed to pull a confession out of Steve's mouth, you would be able to hear it as if he were whispering in your ear.

"What if she doesn't share my feelings?" He hissed as Natasha kept nagging him. "And even if she does, what do I say? How do I put those feelings into words?"

"Just tell her how you feel, take a leap of faith." She smiled gently at him, encouraging him to keep talking. "Tell me. How does she make you feel?" She put a hand on his shoulder.


You just heard Steve and Natasha's conversation. You gasped and tried to turn your head to look for Steve, but Sam put both his hands on your shoulders, keeping you still.

He tried to keep a neutral expression on his face. "You guys are the most stubborn people I know. Now shut up and listen to him."

Your voice was stuck in your throat. You couldn't have said a word even if you wanted to. Your chest rose and fell quickly as your breath hitched, nervously waiting to hear more.


Steve's eyes shifted to you. He swallowed hard, his throat was dry. Sam was standing in front of you, hands on your shoulders.

"I- When she's next to me, my heart races and... I don't know, Nat. I don't know how to describe it." He complained, running a nervous hand through his hair. It was a gesture he used to do a lot when he was skinny.

"You're doing well." Natasha encouraged him with a genuine smile.

He sighed and stood quiet for a moment, still looking at you. He frowned at your apprehensive expression. You turned your head and met his eyes, smiling gently at him. He felt his heart swell with confidence.

"I love her. When she touches my hand, when she smiles at me, when she laughs at my jokes, my heart races and she's the only one that matters. She's always there when I'm feeling down, when I have a nightmare, when I struggle. She's like a lighthouse in a tempest. She listens, she's kind, she's fierce."

Natasha listened to his rambling and cast her eyes down. She felt guilty, she had no idea that Steve harboured such strong feelings. She looked at you, knowing you could hear him. Your eyes were locked on Steve's face, lips slightly parted.

"She's beautiful in that blue dress. She's beautiful when she's bouncing about the boxing ring, hair stuck to her forehead; or when she enters the kitchen in the morning, rubbing her eyes."

He was unstoppable, he didn't even notice that Natasha was gone. He just kept talking, observing you from the other side of the ballroom.


"End his misery." Sam said with a grin. He startled you. You had completely forgotten that he was standing next to you.

You blinked slowly, too shocked to reply and walked toward Steve. His lips were moving, but you couldn't hear him anymore. You walked confidently through the ballroom, your skin felt hot and your stomach made a somersault.

He stopped talking when you were a few steps away from him. He breathed hard, shifting his weight from one foot to the other.

You approached him from the side, without slowing down and felt a surge of heat as your hand went behind his head, pulling his lips to yours. He gasped and closed his eyes, melting under your delicate touch.

His hands held your head in place as he deepened the kiss. His lips slid over yours, in a hard wet kiss. He moved his right hand to your lower back, pulling you impossibly closer as he tasted your mouth.

He swallowed your moans and content sighs. You pulled away, gasping for air and smiled goofily at each other. Steve looked around him, smiling tightly at the onlookers when he felt your hand caress his cheek.

"I heard everything."

"How?" He frowned, taking your hand and kissing the heel of your palm.

"It's best if I show you."

He followed your instructions and walked towards the centre of the room. When he reached the spot he turned to you and held out his arms, his brows knit together in confusion.

"I love you too." You smiled when he recoiled, glancing around him, wondering how he could hear your voice so clearly when you were standing so far away from him. "And now try not to blush, 'cause I'm gonna tell you all the things I'll do to you when we'll leave the party." You smirked, watching as his eyes opened wide.

His face turned three shades of red when you were done, he put his hands in his pockets to cover the bulge in his slacks.

Steve Rogers One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now