Not in Love 2

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Avoiding Steve was easier than you thought it would be. He worked day shift and you worked night shift so you basically never saw each other. But you missed him. A lot. You just wanted to know he was still around, but it was as if he had disappeared forever.

And it was fine, it was what you wanted. You didn't love him back.

Three weeks after your last conversation with Steve, you saw him with Sharon. They were sitting at the kitchen table, laughing heartily. You couldn't control yourself, your hands curled into fists. When you noticed how your body reacted to what seemed like a romantic lunch date, you hurried back to your room and stayed under the covers until your shift started.

"It's weird. I mean she's related to Peggy." You told Natasha as you walked to the training room.

She sighed out loud. "You've been talking about Sharon and Steve for days now."

"But it's weird, Nat!" You pushed open the door and walked in.

"Listen," She set her bag on the bench. "Don't take what I'm going to say personally, okay."


"Get your head out of your ass."

You sighed forcefully and turned around, signalling the end of the conversation. You knew she had a point, but you were too stubborn to admit it. Natasha climbed inside the boxing ring and stood in front of you.

"You are like a sister to me, but I won't let you hurt him again. Do you love him?"


"Then leave him alone."

Despite your assertion, you were upset. You imagined them going on a date, knowing it could have been you. You imagined him on top of her, touching her the way he had touched you.

And then you finally realized that you had made a huge mistake.

You looked down at the coffee maker without seeing it. A high-pitched noise filled the meeting room, but you didn't pay attention to it. Bucky entered and eyed you with raised eyebrows as he turned off the coffee maker. He put a hand on your shoulder, startling you.

"You okay, kid?"

You nodded after a slight hesitation, sat down and leaned back in your chair. Bucky poured coffee into two mugs and handed you one as he sat next to you.

"What happened between you and Steve?" You brought the cup to your lips and didn't reply. "Ever since you came back from that mission, you guys haven't spoken two words to each other."

Clint entered the room with a pile of documents. The night shift was tedious and those who worked there only did it for the peace and quiet.

"Steve act like everything is fine, he won't tell me anything so I'm asking you. What happe-"

"She popped his cherry." Clint answered without looking up from the file.

"Clint!" You chastised.

"Is it true?" Bucky's head snapped in your direction. You gave him an almost imperceptible nod and he took a minute to process the information. "Why did you stop talking after that?"

"Stop prying, Buck."

"She doesn't love him back." Clint answered for you.

You glared at him from the other end of the table, but he still wasn't looking at you. "Let me guess... Natasha?"

"Hey, she was my friend before she was yours." Clint pointed out. "We gossip, so what?"

Did you know Steve was in love with you before you, um,... slept with him?" You shook your head, a rush of hot tears filling your eyes. "You know, he may look strong but under all those serum boosted muscles there's a skinny guy looking for his best girl."

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