Chapter 21- Suffocation

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Ignore my mistakes plz....

No one's Pov

Jungkook and Taehyung sat opposite to each other... both of them was shocked especially Jungkook....who couldn't believe he is arranged with his best friend , and Taehyung he was mostly surprised because he doubt that his father is planning something and now seeing Jungkook in front of him...he knows.

Honestly he was happy but seeing Jungkook's pale face he was feeling guilty....this is the first time both male was feeling awkward... Taehyung cleared his throat and decided to finish the awkward silence by speaking " Koo " He called softly to get his attention.... Jungkook looks at him.

" I know you love Jongsuk " Even the sentence hurted Taehyung but he had to talk to Jungkook " But you know, I don't mind marring....we can stay in that relationship as friends " Jungkook gulped and looks at him " But have your own life, I can't do this " Taehyung leaned forward and holds his head.

" Jungkook, I am sure that I want to do this...I don't want to marry someone and my father forced me here...but you know we both can be in that relationship being friends....please say yes " Jungkook lower his head....He is stuck...He loves Jongsuk but it was Jongsuk's last wish that Jungkook marry again.

His parents also want him to marry and top of that now Taehyung is also hoping to marry him....Taking a shaky breath Jungkook nodded " Okay " Taehyung broke into his boxy smile " Thank you " Jungkook gave him a fake smile and looks away...They had dinner Jungkook was all silent.

" I guess now you won't need to marry any random male " Taehyung joked... Jungkook his nodded... Taehyung stopped the car before Jungkook's house " I will talk to dad's better if we marry soon " Jungkook glance at him " Yeah " He whispered out " Bye Tae " He said and gets out of the car " Bye Koo " Taehyung waved at him.

When Jungkook left, Taehyung couldn't help but squeal....How the time changed in split second...well at least now Jungkook won't marry someone else....for Taehyung it's okay to live with Jungkook as friend...because it will hurt Taehyung 100 times more seeing Jungkook Marring someone else.

Jungkook opened the door with shaky hands " Oh Jungkook! You are back " He was met with Jihyun... Jungkook smiled at her slightly " Eomma, I'm going in my room " Saying this Jungkook walked away....Jihyun frowns and glance at Beomgyu who was sitting on the couch seeing the scene.

Just than Jihyun's phone rang...She picked up the calling seeing Soo Hyun's ID " Yes? " Hearing the news Jihyun squealed " Jungkook! You said yes " Jungkook closed the door behind him hearing Jihyun's squealing...He kneeled down on the floor and leaned back on the door.... finally letting the tears fall on his cheeks.

He was feeling suffocated..... everything around him was making him sick...He tears silently covering his mouth with his hands " Why you left me alone Jongsuk " He thought looking at the photoframe.....He feels like he is betraying Jongsuk...and using Taehyung, his best friend...Who was always there for him.

Now, he is being selfish...said yes to marry Taehyung just because he don't want to marry someone else.....He hide his head in his kness and cries hard hiccuping....On the other, Taehyung happily dancing with his mother and brother.... completely lost in his happiness.

Next morning Jungkook wakes up and went to get ready for office....He knew Jihyun will make breakfast for Beomgyu " Come on Kookie, let's have breakfast " Jihyun called...too happy that she forget to give Jungkook the letters " I'm not hungry " Jungkook whispered out and walked out of the house grabbing his bag.

He drove towards the Kim company, It was too early... Usually Taehyung picks him up from house...but today he wanted to go first arranging everything for meeting....He parked the car in parking lot and went inside the company, greeting Kimhee and smiled slightly...He went inside Taehyung's office and arrange everything.

After an hour Taehyung came to office seeing Taehyung having a worried look on his face " Koo, I went to pick you up but Jihyun aunty said you already left?" Jungkook chuckled generously seeing Taehyung worried " I wanted to come early today " Jungkook replied softly... Taehyung sighed and hugged him.

Jungkook was taken back and warpped his one warp around Taehyung " You okay Tae? " Jungkook asked him in a small voice who nodded " Yeah yeah " Taehyung closed his eyes....He got scared thinking maybe Jungkook went somewhere else... Taehyung pulled away and smiled at Jungkook " Let's get to work Mr Jeon " Jungkook rolled his eyes jokingly and broke into giggles.

He unconsiously gets happy being with Taehyung, he can never deny that fact...They worked all day..... Taehyung saw how Jungkook was hesitating about he wanted to ask something " What is it Jungkook? " Taehyung asked him, seeing Jungkook opening his mouth to say something and that  closing again.

Taking a deep breath Jungkook speaks up " Actually Tae....I want you to come with me to Jongsuk's grave " Jungkook asked smiling sheepishly.... Taehyung smiled....He himself really wanted Jungkook to ask that " Of course, when?" Taehyung asked him softly.... noticing Jungkook's surprised but instantly it turned into a wide smile " Tommorow!"

•• Next Day •••


he next day arrived, Lucky it was Sunday...they both didn't had to o skip their work.... Taehyung drived towards Busan and after few hours they arrived, standing in front of Jongsuk's grave...once again Jungkook placed Lavender Roses and Delphinium on Jongsuk's grave...He smiled sadly.

Taehyung stayed silent knowing Jungkook needs time " Jongsuk.... Look who is here " Jungkook glance at Taehyung " Tae, my best friend...and soon to be husband " Jungkook said in a shaking tone " I miss you " Jungkook sobs and lower his head.... Taehyung felt hurt seeing Jungkook...He hesitantly leaned his hand and intertwined their hands.

Jungkook tilt his head and rested on Taehyung's shoulder crying and hiccuping... Taehyung smiled sadly looking at Jongsuk's grave " I promise you Jongsuk...from now on I will fill Jungkook's life with happiness.... I will never let him cry " Taehyung though to himself and warpped his arms around Jungkook's shoulder.

Chapter 21

How was it? Favourite part?

Do you want Jungkook to fall in love with Taehyung soon once again or not now? 

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