Chapter 24 - Engagement

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Ignore my mistakes plz....

No one's Pov

Jungkook was getting ready for a very important meeting...He arranged all of the files and notes....Tonight it's suppose to be his and Taehyung's engagement but They both was still working " Taehyung, they arrive and are waiting for you " Namjoon who just entered into the office said to Taehyung who closed his laptop and nodded.

" We will be there in a minute " Taehyung said in a serious tone.... Jungkook knows that Taehyung is really serious about his work....It took him years to build this company and he is not going to let anyone ruin his hard work " Kook, everything ready?" Taehyung asked him.

Who smiled and nodded his head, Taehyung stood up...while Jungkook did the same gathering Taehyung's things....Both of them made their way towards the meeting room.... Taehyung opened the door for Jungkook and helped him setting up everything.

" Good evening everyone " Taehyung greeted them, it was a very famous business man from Italy with his daughter Cristina... Jungkook also greeted them " My assistant here knows Italian so it will be easy for you to understand " Taehyung said to them which Jungkook translated.

Mr Casanova was happy to hear that and said something in Italian.... Jungkook smiled and nodded his head....He looks at Taehyung who was already looking at him " He said, he already like our company and team members " Jungkook translated to him.... Namjoon smiled looking at them.

Mr Casanova again said something and everyone looks at Jungkook who knew he is going to be a translator till the end...and for some reason Namjoon was happy " He said that his daughter Cristina is also good at English and Korean " Taehyung looks at Cristina and slightly bowed his head.

The meeting went good, Taehyung was happy to get the project and Jungkook he was happy to see Taehyung smiling " So as a celebration how about a party? " Seon ho said excitedly at which Namjoon rolled his eyes " Did you forgot, today is Taehyung and Jungkook's engagement " Namjoon said to him.

Seon ho smiled at him sheepishly " Oh I completely forgot about that " Seon Ho said caressing his nape...Namjoon shakes his head..... Jungkook looks at Taehyung, these days he don't know why but he can't stop staring at Taehyung....He loves his smile " Tell everyone that Tommorow will be off thanks for their hard work "

Taehyung said in his deep voice..... Jungkook smiled at how Taehyung is always ready to applicate his employees " Come on Jungkook, I will drop you home " Taehyung said to him who nodded.... Taehyung and him made their way towards the elevator.... Taehyung's hands was aching to hold Jungkook's hand.

And he was trying so hard " Tae don't drink cold were sneezing" Jungkook said to him who was about to drink cold water.... Jungkook snached the bottle from him and hand him warm water.... Taehyung smiled at him and thanked return Jungkook just gave him his bunny smile.

••• Time Skip •••

" Come on Beomgyu " Ji Hyun said to Beomgyu who was standing in the corner on the room.... Jungkook was standing with Taehyung who was talking with his father " dad, please Tell Seon ho to don't dance like an idiot " Taehyung said to So Hyun who shrugged.

" Like he is going to listen to me " Jungkook smiled seeing Taehyung's done face...Mrs Kim was way too happy meeting all the people " Jungkook " Jungkook turned his head hearing Jihyun... who signed him to come to her " Tae I will be back " Jungkook said to him who nodded.

Jungkook followed Jihyun who took him to a room " Jungkook take off your ring Jongsuk gave you " Jungkook's smile fell " What?" He said in a shaking tone...Jihyun holds his hand and takes off the ring Jongsuk gave him " What are you doing mom?" Jihyun looks at him.

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