Chapter 12 - Love isn't easy

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Safe for fasting person

No one's Pov

Jungkook and Jongsuk got married, Jongsuk took Jungkook to his home, his mother accepted Jungkook right away knowing the boy was pure and what happened to him...but if them got married after a month, not wanting to stay away from each was really fast, they just met 1 month ago and instantly got married.

But they knew their feelings were real, not just attraction, Jungkook found peace the day he met Jongsuk, once he used to find in his Kim TaeTae and now everyday Jongsuk don't leave a moment to make Jungkook fall in love with him even more, Jungkook was sleeping peacefully when he felt a hand caressing his face.

" koo " Jungkook opened his eyes and smiled seeing Jongsuk facing him " Good morning " Jungkook sat up on the bed " Good morning " Jongsuk peck him on his temple " Come on, let's get ready " Jungkook said and stood up on his feet, just as he was about to go...he saw Jongsuk kneeling before him....hiding something behind his back.

Jungkook giggled " What are you doing?" Jungkook asked him, Jongsuk takes a Rose from behind of his back and showed it to Jungkook " Rose for my beautiful petal " Jungkook brusted into laughter and grab the Rose from Jongsuk's hand " What happened to my shy Jongsukie!" Jungkook said and squeezed Jongsuk's cheeks.

" okay don't pout now, let's go and have breakfast " Jungkook said pulling Jongsuk up, dragging Jongsuk out of the room, They both peck Mrs Lee's cheek who pats not of their head.

••• Time Skip •••

Jungkook was in his room, Jongsuk went for his job while Mrs Lee for shopping... Jungkook sighed looking at the clock, he grabbed his phone and dailled Jongsuk's number, after sometime Jongsuk picks up the call " Hello, Now I will hang up call, call me again and sat that you love me and miss me " Jungkook said hearing Jongsuk's laugh.

He hangs up the call, it was one of Jungkook's habit to call Jongsuk and demand these things, after a moment Jongsuk called him, Jungkook picks up the phone " Hello Koo, I love you and miss you so much " Jongsuk said on other line, making Jungkook laugh " Miss you too " They talked for sometime but than Jongsuk hangs up the call.

On the other hand Jongsuk stood up on his feet, he was about to fall feeling dizzy...but he holds the table on time...he ignored the feeling and made his way out of the house, but just as he reached his car, he passed out couldn't bear the pain in his head.

••• Time Skip•••

It's been few weeks since Jongsuk was distanced from Jungkook, who was confused about Jongsuk's behaviour, Jongsuk was trying so hard to ignore Jungkook " You won't leave till you don't talk to me " Jungkook said holding Jongsuk's wrist who sighed " Please Koo " Jongsuk said, feeling weak on his knees seeing Jungkook's eyes filled with sadness.

" Jungkook, please " Jongsuk broke down into tears and fall on the ground, Jungkook wide his eyes and sat on the ground, holding Jongsuk to his chest " W-What happened?" Jungkook asked rubbing his back " J-jungkook, I have terminal cancer " Jongsuk said in a shaking voice.

Jungkook pulled away from him, staring at his teary eyes " You are joking, it's a p-prank right " Jungkook asked with a sad smile " Please tell me it's a joke " Jungkook said and brusted into tears...That night Jungkook hugged Jongsuk close to himself.

While Jongsuk was in hospital for his treatment, Jungkook found out about him being pregnant, When he told Jongsuk about it, instead of being happy, Jongsuk was guilty for leaving Jungkook alone... Jungkook was also sad, but he decided to spend good memories with Jongsuk.

Yuna also used to come and spend time with his brother and brother in law but during that time, Jungkook was glad there was some people he could trust, Jungkook entered into Jongsuk's room, but he frowns when he didn't see Jongsuk in the room, he heard sobbing sound coming from a bathroom.

Jungkook felt his heart breaking hearing Jongsuk's sobs, His eyes himself filled with tears " Hyung " Jungkook knocked on the door....He opened the door seeing Jongsuk leaning against the wall, tears falling from his eyes.

Jungkook rushed to him and hugged him tightly, Jongsuk sobs and hugged him back, hiding his face in Jungkook's chest " I am sorry " Jongsuk sobs, Jungkook said nothing, he holds him in his arm, after sometime, Jongsuk feel asleep

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Jungkook rushed to him and hugged him tightly, Jongsuk sobs and hugged him back, hiding his face in Jungkook's chest " I am sorry " Jongsuk sobs, Jungkook said nothing, he holds him in his arm, after sometime, Jongsuk feel asleep.

••• Present •••

" Durning that time, both of them suffered a lot, When your Dad died, Jungkook was devasted but because he promised Jongsuk that he will be happy, that's why he never done anything " Jin explained to Beomgyu, his eyes filling tears " Is that the reason why I am like this?" Beomgyu asked Jin, who nodded his head.

" The happy Jungkook you see is not really happy, he just smile in front of you, deep inside he wants to feel you hugging him comforting him " Jin said glancing at Beomgyu who was looking for at his lap " I don't blame you, but please kid, at least you can try to make him feel loved " Jin said and pats his shoulders who nodded his head but pushing Jin's hand away from his shoulder.

Taehyung walked inside the room, wipping his tears, Love isn't easy, he really thought Jungkook will fall for him after Jungkook is living just because he promised Jungkook, smile for his son and he really thought he can easily get Jungkook's love...many times Jin mentioned his name too.

But he the bad time, Jungkook and Jongsuk was there for each other...One thing Taehyung is clear about if he wants Jungkook's love, he have to prove himself...He needs to be mature not that childish Taehyung who was day dreaming about Jungkook accepting his confession.

Now it's time for him to fight for his love, he needs to make Jungkook happy once Jongsuk used to do... Taehyung laid on the bed " Jongsuk wasn't bad " Taehyung said, he closed his eyes, meeting Jungkook once again was a coincidence or not, Now he will try to gain Jungkook's trust.

Chapter 12

Does this story make any sense?

Thanks for reading 💕

From now only Taekook, well there will be some old memories too but still

Everyone thanks for existing, You are important for this world 🌈

- I purple you 💜

- Author Nim 🐰

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