Chapter 16 - Decision?

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No one's Pov

" sorry like I said bees sting other bees that means human also bite other human?" Seonho said to Jungkook, who was deep in thoughts about Taehyung, he was worried for him..... Taehyung was looking do duel since yesterday, Jungkook haven't seen his boxy smile for hours and his childish behavior was long gone.

Which Jungkook was missing, Seonho noticed Jungkook's being lost his in own world he sighed, he snapped his fingers in front of Jungkook's eyes, who came out of his thoughts looking at Seonho " I am talking on a serious topic and you are busy making weird thoughts in your mind? " Seonho tsk, trying make a light environment around them.

" No Hyung, actually was thinking about something " Jungkook said to him " About what?" Seonho asked having a shot of his fake morning vodka " About Mr Kim's father " Jungkook said, Seonho was Taehyung's cousin, of course he must know everything about him " well, Taehyung and his father never had a good relationship, He was 14 when his father send him to boarding school

Saying he is brat and need manners, Taehyung tried best to stay with him, but he was always neglected by his father, now he doesn't care about him...but Mr Kim really loves him " Seonho explained to Jungkook, who pouts....He had same feelings when John used to neglect him scolding him but now everything is perfect, Taehyung and his father his need a proper conversation.

After talking with Seonho, Jungkook made his way to Taehyung's office, a cup of tea in his hand, even Taehyung love strawberry milk but durning office hours, Tea is best for him, that's what Jungkook thinks " Come in " Hearing Taehyung's voice, Jungkook entered into the office " Here, drink some " Jungkook said placing the cup on the table.

Taehyung looks at him, giving him a soft smile, at least there is someone care about him " Thank you Kookie " Jungkook gives him his bunny smile.... Jungkook wanted to talk to Taehyung about his father, but he didn't wanted to make Taehyung upset, taking a deep breath, made his way to Taehyung, grabbing his arm, dragging him toward the couch.

Taehyung was surprised at Jungkook sudden behavior " What happened Kookie?" Taehyung asked him, Jungkook hand him his tea " I want to talk to you " Taehyung nodded, indicating him to continue, Jungkook takes a deep breath " Hyung, I want you to meet your father " Taehyung stopped his movement, his face feeling with blank expressions.

" Hyung, I know you must have been in pain during your childhood but-" Taehyung cuts him off " I was 2 when he left me with Grandma and Grandpa in Busan, When I turned 14, they both died and than he send me to boarding school? I never felt any love from him...for him I am just a mistake " Taehyung said to Jungkook, his eyes feeling with tears.

This is the first time he is seeing Taehyung cry, and honestly... Jungkook was feeling hurt, Jungkook holds his hand " Hyung, Just for once meet him and give him a second chance, I am your best friend and won't decided bad for you " Jungkook said to him, Taehyung looks at him, Somehow Taehyung saw care and love for him in Jungkook's eyes.

" Only because you are saying " Taehyung said wiping his tears, Jungkook gives him his bunny smile " What about your parents? Why are they coming for dinner tonight?" Taehyung asked him, changing the topic, hearing that Jungkook facepalmed " Hyung! I forgot, I have to leave early " Jungkook said standing for his feet, scaring Taehyung a little.

" Calm down, no need to rush " Taehyung said to him, hissing a little because his lips touched hit tea " No Hyung, It's already 3, they will arrive at 6...I have to prepare first, can I leave now?" Jungkook asked him, Taehyung sighed " No need to ask me " Taehyung said to him, well after all Jungkook is his future husband, that's what Taehyung though.

Jungkook rolls his eyes " No matter what Hyung, Even if I am your best friend....I am your assistant in office hours or events " Jungkook said to him, Taehyung pouts " why is he always saying best friend " Taehyung sulk Mentally " And also boyfriend too " Taehyung said but Jungkook glared at him thinking Taehyung was joking.

••• Time Skip •••

" Chang wan uncle, please help me and stop dancing " Jungkook whined, He was cooking in kitchen, only one hour was left and Jungkook was trying his best to complete cooking before leaving for getting ready... Beomgyu was also not home yet " No, I am looking so sexy " Chang wan said dancing, feeling himself.

Jungkook pouts and turned around but scremed seeing a black thing in front of his eyes, The other person also scremed " Who are you!" Jungkook scremed " Relax Hyung, it's me Yang " Jungkook opened his eyes seeing Yang wearing a black mask on his face " Yang? But why?" Jungkook asked him, going back to his work " I have a blind date! Finally I will be in a relationship "

Yang said  in a dreamy tone, making Jungkook sigh " I bit the other party will be in shock looking at him " Chang wan said entering into the kitchen, finally feeling pity on Jungkook " Well yes, because of my handsome face " Yang said winking at his father, who laughed " No Boy, because of your ugly mess face " Chang wan said and laughed, Jungkook giggled.

" HOW RUDE " Yang yelled and walked away " I really sometimes think, why a handsome young man have a ugly son like him " Chang wan said, huffing.... Jungkook knew Chang wan was joking so he laughed along with him, the front door opened and Beomgyu walked in with Kai behind him " Oh finally boys you are here " Jungkook said, telling Chang wan to check the dish.

He walked to the living room, looking at exhausted Kai and Beomgyu " Kai, sit down I will bring a drink for you and Beomgyu, go get ready your Aunt and Grandparents are coming " Jungkook said to Beomgyu, who had black Expressions but mentally he was smirking " It's okay uncle, I am leaving anyways " Kai bend his good bye and walked away before Jungkook could say something.

Beomgyu silently went to get ready, Jungkook finally finished everything... Beomgyu came back, Jungkook smiled looking at him squeezing his cheeks " So cute " Beomgyu slapped his hands away " No touching " Beomgyu said blankly and walked away... Jungkook sighed, he really want to hug his son, buy Beomgyu...before Jungkook could leave to get ready.

His phone starts ringing, looking at the caller ID, he smiled and picked up the call " Yes Taehyungie " Beomgyu looks up hearing that, Well now days it was nothing new " I know Jungkook you must be busy but I wanted to tell you something " Taehyung said from the other line, Jungkook lower his head " How this cute Alien have such a deep voice " Jungkook thought to himself.

" Yes Hyung " Jungkook said " I decided to meet Dad today, I will leaving for sometime " Taehyung said to him, Jungkook smiled widely, at least Taehyung listened to him " Okay Hyungie, best of luck " Saying this Jungkook hangs up the call " hope everything gets better " Jungkook thought to himself, sighing deeply.

Chapter 16

For me it's getting interested, I don't know about others

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