✨ Bonus ✨

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Ignore my mistakes plz.....

It's a little rushed, I'm sorry

No one's Pov

" STOP! " Everyone flinched hearing Jungkook yell, He was seated on couch, everyone rushing back and forth around the mansion, but stopped when Jungkook yelled " but you're sick, we are worried baby " Mrs Kim said to him who sighed and looks at them, Especially his husband who was worried the most.

" I'm not sick, I just asked pancakes with soya sauce on top....it's not a thing to be worried about " Jungkook said pouting.... Taehyung sat beside him " Koo, it's a thing to be worried about.... Pancakes with sauce-" Jungkook cuts him off " Tae~ I just wanted to eat " He whined.

Taehyung sighed " okay fine, come and have your banana milk at least " Taehyung stopped when he heard Jungkook whining " Nooo I want to drink Coocao " Taehyung frowns at him " In summer?" Jungkook pouts....Mrs Kim was thinking something deeply.

" Yes! Because I don't want to drink banana milk because it's real Eww " Taehyung looks at him in disbelief " your first love...Eww?" Taehyung asked him his lips parted in disbelief, How can he say that, Banana milk is Jungkook's first love...even he is more important then Beomgyu his own son.

Jungkook nodded at him, still pouting.... Taehyung was about to say something else but Mrs Kim stopped him by placing her hand over Taehyung's shoulder " Do whatever he says " She whispered to him, Taehyung was confused but nodded his head.

••• Time Skip •••

" I'm so happy!" Taehyung smiled widely looking at his mother, who was squealing...They were standing in hospital " I can't believe you are pregnant Tae!" Chang wan said rushing inside the hospital, Taehyung's smile fell hearing that....He turned towards him and looks at him in disbelief.

" Jungkook is pregnant, not me " Chang wan shrugged, taking out a cookie from his pocket " Does it really matter?" Taehyung sighed heavily, without saying anything he entered into the room...where Jungkook was laid looking at the ceiling blankly.

Taehyung's smile filtered, he felt something weird about Jungkook's behavior....He made his way to Jungkook, who instantly looks at him " I'm so happy " Taehyung said to him with boxy smile... Jungkook saw how happy he was , He forced a smile.

" M-me too " He mumbled.... Taehyung hugged him tightly " Thank you so much " Jungkook saw how happy he was, He lower his head and placed his hand over his stomach...He looks out of the window.

••• Time Skip •••

Its been days since Taehyung got the news of Jungkook's being pregnant, He was happy but at the same time, He noticed that Jungkook was silent..He smiled sometimes but Taehyung knows him... Taehyung got back from work earlier...He was about to enter into room but stopped.

" Yuna, I'm scared " Taehyung hid behind the pillar and listened to their conversation " I-I know b-but " Taehyung sighed heavily and rushed to Jungkook, He snached the phone from him and cut the call, Jungkook looks at him widen eyes " W-whats wrong?" Jungkook asked him.

Without saying anything more, Taehyung pulled him into a tight hug... Jungkook closed his eyes and hugged him back " Now tell me what's wrong?" Taehyung asked him after he felt Jungkook silent, he frowns when he heard nothing in return...He pulled back and saw Jungkook fall asleep.

Taehyung sighed, He picked him up and laid him down on bed, He covered him with blanket, Placed a peck on his temple....He walked out of the room, and called Yuna " Yuna tell me everything " He said to her and heard her sighing " Hello to you too " Taehyung rolled his eyes.

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