Chapter 19 - Don't call him Oppa

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Ignore my mistakes plz....

Sorry  for late updated

No one's Pov

" OPPA!" A loud voice can be heard in Taehyung's company " Sh🌼t! Sh🌼t! " Taehyung hearing that voice was running back at forth in his office....He hid under his table...The door opened and a woman walked in " Tae oppa~ you can't hide from " Taehyung cringed...She smiled when she saw Taehyung head peeking behind the table.

" Found you " Taehyung sighed standing on his feet and looks at her " What are you doing here?" Taehyung asked her in cold tone who scoffed " Come on I know you missed me no need to act " She said and hugged him tightly who groaned " Tae-" Jungkook stopped seeing the scene in front of him " What the hell is happening here?" Jungkook yelled.

Taehyung gulped, The girl pulled away from Taehyung and looks at Jungkook " I have seen him somewhere before " She thought " Oppa, who is he?" Jungkook glared at Taehyung who nervously smile " He is my assistant-" Jungkook scoffed and stopped him " Assistant! You are going to die Kim Taehyung! I'm your best friend!"

Jungkook marched towards them and stood before them " I see You already replaced me, Oppa " She pouts at Taehyung who rolled his eyes " Stop calling who Oppa!" Jungkook angrily pouts.... Taehyung looks at him surprised " What do you mean! Of course I will call him Oppa " She argued " I told you to stop " She sighed.

" He is my older brother, what do you expect me to call him than " She said to Jungkook who was about to say something again but stopped processing her words " Wait? He is your brother?" Jungkook asked surprised and taken back.... Taehyung slowly nodded his head " Mina, my sister " Taehyung said.

" Today she came back from America " Taehyung explained him simply " Oh- I'm sorry I didn't knew " Jungkook smiled at him nervously who nodded " it's okay " She said and winked at Jungkook " Don't wink at him " Taehyung said to Mina who rolled her eyes " I will go and get something for you " Jungkook said and walked out of the office.

He facepalmed " why was I acting like that " He sighed and walked away... Taehyung looks at Mina " You turned my whole company up side down Mina " Taehyung said and sat on his chair...Mina sat in front of him " Not my fault Oppa " Taehyung sighed heavily " Don't call ke OpPaR...Tae is enough " Taehyung said to her who shrugged.

••• Time Skip •••

" come in Beomgyu! It would be so great...just try it for once " Jungkook entered into the house, hearing Kai and Soobin's voice coming from leaving room...He saw Beomgyu continually shaking his head, as always his face filled with blank expressions...and Chang wan talking with Yuna " Good evening boys " Jungkook greeted them with a smile.

They turned to Jungkook and smiled widely " Good evening Uncle Jungkookie!" They greeted back in union " Uncle see what Beomgyu is doing " Kai walked towards him and hand him something.... Jungkook read it.

Dace Competition

" We really want Beomgyu to participate with our group, but he denied " Kai said and glared at Beomgyu who shrugged it off.... Jungkook sighed and walked towards him " Come on Beomgyu...this one time " Jungkook said to him in a pealding tone...who shakes his head " No No No " He said continusally shaking his head.

" Please, for me " Jungkook stood up " Fine! Do whatever you want!" Jungkook almost yelled, surprising everyone.... Jihyun who was in kitchen saw everything rushed towards Jungkook room along with Yuna... Beomgyu looks at his friends they also sighed....Jihyun and Yuna saw Jungkook holding his head, tears falling from his eyes.

" Jungkook what happened?" Jihyun sat beside him while Yuna locked the door making her way to him " Eomma, I'm tired I can't do this anymore " He cries, Jihyun frowns and glance at Yuna, whose eyes was on Jungkook, patting his back " What happened why are you saying all of this?" She said to him.

Who sniffs " It's just that I want Beomgyu who get out of his syndrome but he is always denies it...I also want his hugs and support...know I am giving you... I'm all alone  " Jihyun hit his head softly who pouts wipping his tears " almost 35 and this an are not alone everyone is here for you " She said to him..who looks at her.

" And remember what Jongsuk used to say....that his Jungkook is the bad times he is the happy pill of everyone " Jungkook looks at Yuna and back at Jihyun " Do you really think it's good I marry again?" Jungkook asked them " Yes, You can't spend your entire life alone " Yuna said to him who stood up " I'm doing out "

••• Time Skip •••

" No! That's a big no....I don't want to marry anyone " Taehyung was talking to Soo Hyun who sip his tea unborthered " Come on...There no harm in trying you know " Taehyung shakes his head " I told you I love Jungkook! And you " Taehyung scoffed...Soo Hyun rolled her eyes " You will meet him tommorow and that's finale " .

Before Taehyung could argue more his phone rang....seeing Jungkook name in instantly picked up the call " Yes Kookie?" He said in the softest voice making Soo Hyun roll his eyes.... Taehyung frowns hearing Jungkook's sad voice " okay I will be there " Taehyung stood up and rushed out of cafe leaving Soo Hyun in disbelief.

Taehyung arrived at the park where Jungkook called him....He looked around seeing Jungkook moving back and forth in park.... Taehyung rushed to him, he was worried about him " Kookie? What happened?" Taehyung asked him who stopped and looks at him teary eyes " T-Tae...I don't know what to do anymore " Jungkook cries and told him everything.

" Yesterday I met Yuna too..she told she don't want to marry him...he is good guy but She doesn't love him " Jungkook closed his eyes " How can marry someone I don't love " Jungkook bites his lower lip.... Taehyung stared at his broken figure.... Jungkook was right, how can he marry anyone out of no where even he is still in love with Jongsuk, or isn't?

" Just follow your heart....make a decision now without thinking about future...Belive me...I always make decisions at present and never regret " Hearing about some very familiar words Jungkook looks at him...He saw how serious Taehyung was looking and his eyes holding something unreadable .... Jungkook lower his head.

He rushed to Taehyung and hugs him warpped his arms around his waist...resting his head on his shoulder, sobbing.... Taehyung also felt hurt....He pats his head " Ouch that's my foot Yuna!" Jihyun whined... hiding behind the bushes " Sorry " Yuna apologized pouting....Chang wan was hiding behind the tree shaking his head looking at them " These women, out of my mind "


Chapter 19

The chapter where everyone asking Jungkook what happened

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