Alternative ending

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A/n: You whiny little things. At first, you guys are like: "Death, death, death. Angst." And when I give you angsty ending, you go: "Aight, Imma cry over some ff" mode. Heck, it wasn't even bad ending. Here's an alternative ending due to the popular request.

Also for those who saw boxes instead of texts on first Ending, here's the brief summary of the last chapter: So after Y/n died, Nightmare, XD's bro came to him and started making fun of him yk, brother thing, but offered a deal. Saying that he's able to revive Y/n but she's still gonna be mortal. In exchange for XD's memories of her and power over the SMP. But XD denied that SMP part, so Nightmare only demanded XD's memories. But there's a little twist, Y/n won't be able to remember XD, same for XD. But since XD had the knowledge of the revival book he got from Dream...That knowledge was what Nightmare wanted from the very beginning. By taking away XD's memories, he gets the knowledge as well. Sneaky bastard, isn't he? Why does he need the book? Well, he can already revive people, but he doesn't know how to make someone immortal so...


There she sat. His favourite being. So perfect, so gracious, so breathtaking. His everything. His world. She was so perfect. He couldn't find a better being than her. Her h/c hair shone on the setting sun, e/c eyes glistening with mischief as she stared at the horizon where the sun was setting, thus the entire different scenery was portrayed in her eyes. Her figure was surrounded with light, like a holy being. Although, she was one now. XD couldn't help but melt into a large smile, looking at her. He was so glad that the ritual ended with a success.
"I see you staring. Simp." A lopsided grin tugged her lips.
"How can I not stare at such a beautiful being like you?" He countered.
"You cheesy motherfucker." Y/n huffed. She didn't change. And he was glad. She experienced a short memory loss after the ritual, but XD helped her out and now it was all good again.
"I'm merely stating the truth." He shrugged, leaning closer to her.
"Come on, XD. Stop it." She shoved him away, as he grumbled.
"What if I don't?"

"I'll make you." She had a sly grin plastered on her face.
"Oh?" XD cocked his eyebrows. "You have to catch me first for that. Use those tiny wings of yours!" She was about to grab his arm but being a God he is, he was too quick and dove into the sky. She groaned, flying up as well. She had wings now. They were pure white, just like the snow of the enhanced forest where they lived. She could summon them by her will. Her movements were awkward, don't blame her, she was still learning how to fly. And XD was more than glad to help her. She didn't use her wings much, because...why should she while she has XD's massive wings to have fun with? His wings were enough for her. But it still was fun to fly through the vast sky, like she owned it by the love of her life by her side. Also, forgot to mention, she was now connected to him. They could freely talk through telepathy, feel what the other one feels. Right now, Y/n could teleport to him, but then where would be the fun of chasing? So no.

"Come here, you bastard!" His laugh flooded the skies, as she couldn't catch up with him, he was too far away. She halted. 'I give up.' She spoke to him telepathically, XD just hummed in response as the God teleported next to her. He was quick to wrap her in a hug, supporting her frame, so he could help her fly. "You fucker, don't leave me like that. I still can't fly properly." Y/n huffed, hugging him back.
"About time you learn how to, actually."
"Eh, why should I use my wings while I have yours?" He huffed a laugh, his shoulders shaking.
"You really love my wings, don't you?"
"Yes." She smiled. "But I love you more." XD chuckled, happy to hear those words escape her lips.
"I love you more than anything." She remained silent and just pressed a kiss on his mask, gaining a noise of protest from XD as he tilted his head down, looking at her. "Not mask, give me actual kiss." She giggled, pushing him away as he leaned closer to her face even more.

"You big baby." Y/n huffed, lifting his mask up and kissing him on his lips. A pleased hum rumbled up from his chest, as he smiled into kiss, pulling her closer to himself before she could pull away from the kiss and deepening the kiss just the slightest bit. Y/n pulled away first. "There you go, happy now?"
"Yes." She rolled her eyes, letting go of his mask. The first few stars started appearing on the now darker sky, as the sun disappeared from the horizon, replaced by the crescent moon. The sight was beautiful, just like the pair floating on the sky. They were happy, loved, carefree, full of energy. Free. They had the entire eternity ahead of them. The problems of the SMP didn't bother Y/n anymore now, but XD still did what he had to do, he was the Protector after all. Of course they continued living a simple life with Patches in their cabin in the middle of the enhanced forest of the SMP, would still interact with the members of the SMP, mostly Syndicate since Y/n was a lot closer to them than to anyone else.

She was happy to have him. He was glad to make her happy. They were the point of each other's lives. They were truly soulmates. Their days were mostly peaceful, filled with warmth and comfort. What could go wrong? Nothing. Was this their happy ending? Maybe.


This is the story of a mortal who fell in love with a God.

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