Chapter 8-Darling, I'm the president

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"Give me the TemPad." you say, Sylvie pointing a knife at Ravonna.

In a hurry, she takes it out and hands it to you.

" Who's really behind the TVA?" Sylvie asks.

" I'm as in the dark as you are." she groans as you step on her shoulder.

" Poor Judge Renslayer, you're whole reality's been destroyed." Sylvie mocks. " Tell me, how does it feel to be on the other side of it?"

You take your foot off her shoulder, groaning she gets up.

" This is it, isn't it?" Sylvie continues," This is where you dragged me after you stole my life."

" Well then, it's a fitting place to take your's!" you say walking toward her.

" AND what if I said Loki wasn't dead?" Ravonna reasons.

" I'd say you were lying." Sylvie replies.

" Maybe, or maybe we want the same thing." Ravonna says.

" How is he still alive?" you ask," and how will saving him get us any closer to who's behind the TVA?"

" It's complicated, when we prune a branched reality, it's impossible to destroy all of that matter. So we move it to a place on the timeline where it won't continue growing, basically the branched timeline isn't reset, it's transferred." Ravonna answers.

" Where?" Sylvie asks.

" A void at the end of time. Where every instance of existence collides at the same point and simply..stops."

" Why?" you ask.

Shaking her head, she says, " I don't know."


" I suggest we take a breather, so I can ask several thousand questions!" Loki wheezed, out of breath.

" Gotta keep moving, so we don't die." the old man says.

" Ok, but what's the plan?" Loki asks

" Don't die."

" Okay but beyond that."

"Don't die"

" That's not a plan! It's a general demand of living, if you're Lokis you should always have a plan!"

Ignoring him, the rest of the Variants kept walking.

Stopping in his tracks the God then shouted, " Will someone please explain to me what the hell i going on?!"

They stop and turn around to face him.

"Look it's been a very, very very trying past few days, months? I don't even know how long it's been since New York! All I know is I got pruned, and I woke up here, and I'm surrounded by versions of myself, plus an alligator, which I'm heartbroken to report I don't find all that strange! And now we're running from God knows what to God knows where. What I need to be doing is trying to find a way back to  Sylvie and Y/n!-er I mean the TVA!" he rants

The old man raises his eyebrows, " Y/n?"

Loki pales and stutters, " Y-yes I m-mean-"

" I know who Y/n is." he replies.

" What!" Loki shouts.

Suddenly there's a rumbling in the distance and a black cloud starts making it's way towards them.

The boy then brandishes his sword, making Loki fall back.

" Stop wailing or you will signal Alioth!" He warns.

Looking at the cloud, Loki asks, " You mean the monster in the sky?"

Rolling his eyes, the boy vanishes the sword, pulling Loki up and then gestures around, " This, is where the TVA dumps it's rubbish." he then points to the cloud, " Alioth, he ensures none of it ever returns."

Loki-with-a-hammer said, " It's a living tempest that consumes matter and energy-"

" We're in a shark tank, Alioth is the shark." Old-Loki says making the alligator growl

" Oh there's no such thing as an alligator tank, besides it's a better metaphor. He's overly sensitive like the rest of us." he continues.

"Wait, you're telling me that thing's a Loki too?" Loki says.

" Oh yes."

Eyes wide, he shakes his head in disbelief, " Okay I'm willing to accept that. Why are there so many of you?"

" Because that's what Lokis do, we survive."

" Come on let's go!" The boy says, and they follow him, leaving Loki behind.

" Ok, wait wait wait , why do you wear the horns, you let a child command you." he asks.

" You'll do well to respect the boy. This is his kingdom." Old-Loki say.

" Ok, what was your Nexus Event, your majesty?" Loki asks sarcastically.

" I killed Thor." he replies.


"DAMN YOU RENSLAYER!" you shout from behind the judge's pedestal.

" What happened to finding the man behind the curtain?" Sylvie asks

" Tell you what, you both come out with your hands up, I'll put you both in a time loop, live out your days in a good memory, did you have good memories, Y/n does, what about you Sylvie? Have any good memories?" Ravonna offers

"Just one." she replies nodding at you.

Charging the prune stick, she jumps up and prunes herself. Leaving you behind.

You take it and stand up, flipping Ravonna off, you prune yourself too.

I'm coming


You wake up in a ditch, the sky grey and these purple birds running around. Standing up, you look around , conjuring a dagger.

" Where am I?" you ask

" You're in the void darling." a familiar voice says.

Turning around you see...Loki? In a suit, with horns like Sylvie's. He's clearly not you're Loki.

Still, he's hot

Pointing your dagger at him, you ask, " Who the hell are you?"

Chuckling darkly, he takes your hand and kisses the back of it.

" Darling, I'm the president."

You're not him-Loki x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now