Chapter 13- Ruler of the Multiverse.

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Heyy im back<3(this is where canon diverges so NOTHING is going to be the same okay? and please give me feedback on hw my writing has changed(if it has) also please read chapter 12, ive edited it, and it's very important that you read that to understand this chapter.this is very confusing.)

"Sylvie, keep behind me." you say as the three of you approach the house. The sky around you looks like a psychedelic work of art, with different colors and patterns, the entire dimension was surrounded by huge circular flashes of light which resembled the icy rings of the planet Saturn.

The blonde raises an eyebrow but doesn't say anything, resorting to only give a pointed stare at the raven haired god who just gives her a 'go with it' look, and follows you, who is already ahead of them.

You decide to change your battle outfit to something more comfortable. You twisted your fingers and a flash of bright purple enveloped you and you were suddenly wearing a more comfortable outfit that was still practical for fighting.

You could see Loki and Sylvie stop in their tracks and look at each other before running to catch up with you. You roll your eyes and stop before the door, raising your eyebrows as they finally catch up to you.

You gestured to the door, " Wanna do the honours?" your fingers do a little dance.

She shrugs and looks at the door before kicking it open, much to your chagrin.

The three of you slowly step inside and the door is shut rather loudly making you jump with a small shriek. Apparently, being the Infinite One didn't make jump scares any less scary.

The house was dark and quiet. The halls lined with bookshelves and artifacts that resembled a lot of stuff in Doctor Strange's Sanctum.

The quiet was interuppted by a loud, frightening, "Hey Ya'll!" in the southern drawl of Miss Minutes.

You immediately conjured a dagger and was about to throw it, when you realized that it was the friendly TVA mascot.

"Miss Minutes? What are you doing here?" you ask her, narrowing your eyes.

"Hey, sugar! I'm here as an escort!" she winked, "my boss has been waiting to see you for a long time!"

"Your boss?" Loki asks.

"That's right!" she replies.

"Why should we believe you?" Sylvie growls, brandishing her katana, Loki holding out his sword.

Miss Minutes chuckles at their antics and then looks to you, as if expecting you to do the same. You only cross your arms and stare, "Lead the way."

"What!" Loki and Sylvie exclaim in unison.

"You wanted to see who's behind this, right? She's literally leading the way." you extend your arm out towards the orange clock as if trying to prove a point.

"You were always the clever one, sugar." Miss Minutes chuckles before gesturing for you to follow her.

The pair behind you begrudgingly follow. 

"Has your boss got a name?" Loki enquired.

"She sure does, but we refer to her as The One above All." the mascot answers, "she controls the multiverse and is said to be prophesized to either rule it, or annihilate it. So you're lucky she's ruling it."

You raise an eyebrow.

Miss Minutes stops at a door, "Have fun y'all!" she waves and vanishes.

The three of you look at each other apprehensively and your eyes soften a little. Loki and Sylvie were good friends to you.

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