
25 1 7

i hate my grandpa.

He is an ass and THE most toxic person I ever met.

he is tearing us apart and no one is seeing that!!
even if someone is(which is not true 🙄) they are ignoring it cause 'hE iS tHe eLdEsT pErSoN oF tHe fAmIlY'

dear family member......HE IS TEARING US! HE ENJOYS DESTROYING US!!

He either lights up a fight between 2 people in the house or fight with his own wife all day long or would laugh and put fuel in a fight!!!

I just hate him so much🤢🤮

he is the reason i hate old people! (other than my maternal grandparents, they are THE sweetest people ever 😭😭❣️❣️)

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