Chapter 19

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TW// Mentions of abuse and depression


I shouldn't have yelled. I shouldn't have gotten that mad at her.

From the window I see Sawyer balling her eyes out in the street. I hate that I did that to her. I caused her that pain. Now that I have cooled down I realize that she wasn't even into the guy talking to her. When I looked in her eyes she seemed panicked and I don't think that panic was because of me at first.

Why did I have to overreact? Why do I always put myself in this position? God I wish I could turn back time and stop myself. What was I thinking fuck.

All I can do is stare at Sawyer as she cries and cries in front of my shop. I can't go outside to her. She hates me. I'll just make things worse. I don't know how to comfort someone. Looking away I turn back to my office. I can't take seeing her cry anymore. I can't take seeing the pain I caused her.

I need to talk to Mitch and figure out what the actual fuck to do. I royally screwed up and I can't even fix it. He'll know what to do. I b-line it for his office knowing that he will be working late.

"Mitch, I don't know what to do. I fucked up really bad."

Looking up from his phone he can see the panic in my eyes. He probably thinks I murdered someone. It wouldn't be the first time.

"Harry calm the fuck down. What did you do?"

I run my hands nervously through my hair trying to figure out what to say. I know he'll be pissed off at me. He really cares for Sawyer so he will actually beat my ass. I'd let him if I'm honest.

"You know how I told you Sawyer was coming here to talk today? Well when I walked out to meet her she was with some other guy and I got super pissed. I may or may not have had tunnel vision and thought they were flirting. Mitch you should have seen her face when I yelled at both of them. I fucked up real bad. I don't know what to do. Mitch, she was balling her eyes outside the shop before I came back here."

I didn't even notice the whole time I was talking to him I was pacing. She fucks me up. I care too much about her already. God I fucked up.

"Harry, you and I literally talked last night after you were with her and you promised me you would keep your chill. You need to talk to her. She obviously is super upset and I don't want you to blow her off like every other chick. She isn't like other girls Harry and you know that. Fix this right now or I will fucking kill you. I don't care that you are my best friend."

Just as I'm about to respond Mitch's phone lights up on his desk. As he looks at his phone, his eyes get huge. Looking up at me, I know exactly who is calling him.



"Harry I swear to god if she is a wreck I'm going to follow through on my threat." I can't believe this idiot. He fucked up once again and now I am here to fix his mistakes.Thats what best friends are here for right?

From the moment Harry walked into my office I could sense his panic. If I'm honest I've never seen him this worked up about anything, especially a girl. Don't get me wrong Sawyer isn't just some girl but Harry really fucked up.

"Mitch, please answer her. I need to know how bad I messed up."

"If I answer you need to leave my office. I'll call you later and tell you okay?"

Picking up her call I feel a wave of panic come over me. Why is she calling me of all people? Why not Alyssa or Niall? Or even Artie?

"Uh hey Sawyer, what's up?"

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